Chapter 27

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Zhao Yunlan stands on the stage with priest and waiting for his beloved Shen Wei....... Door opens and his Wei walk on the aisle like an angle while holding bouquet and Mr. Shen arm. Yunlan smile and forward his hand and Shen Wei place his slender thin hand onto his.

He holds him tightly and pulled him into a hug because he already noticed tha lpt people are staring at his angle like crazy. Yunlan hold him firmly in his arm and whispered.......... "You look beautiful today......Xiao Wei" that makes other lower his head in shyness and hide his face in Yunlan's chest.

(They actually exchanging the rings

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(They actually exchanging the rings.....💃🙌)

They sign their wedding agreement.......and Priest start their wedding ceremony. They read their vows and exchange rings........after that priest tell Yunlan to kiss his Bride. Zhao Yunlan chuckle and turn toward Shen Wei who is already red and tilde his head down. Yunlan again chuckle and lift his Wei head and he was stunned by his beauty........that redness of his face makes him more beautiful........ "God, this beauty will be the death of me," thought Yunlan.

Slowly and gently Zhao Yunlan kisses his beloved lips and the other close his eyes. Priest announces them husband and husband........ Shen Wei opens his doe eyes which was moist right now.......due to happiness, which he grant today in form of Zhao Yunlan........ Shen Wei looked at him lovingly.

Yunlan smile and wipe his tear then hug Wei dearly he kiss his forehead and other softly smile in his strong embrace...... priest also smile and nod to Chief Zhao........

Later Mr. Shen introduces his son-in-law to all his friend and colleague. Mr. Zhu Wen and Mr. Han Lee also there, they grit their teeth and bitterly smile seeing Shen Wei in others arm......

On the other side Shen Wei happily talking to his brother and sister.......they also happy for him. Yunlan come to them and ask.....can he take Shen Wei for a moment........ Zhu Hong smile and nod her head in (Yes). But Yezun warn him and said....... "First, take good care of him and If you hurt Wei...... second, you dead!!!!I" Shen Wei only smile and........Yunlan rolls his eye and smirk....... He took Shen Wei hand and drags him to the dance floor.

Suddenly music is change and a romantic music surrounded in the hall that make........every couple and singles who dance like a wild.......stop their foot and turn their head toward the newlywed couple.

When music change Yunlan warp his hand on Wei's waist and pull him close to his chest and Shen Wei also place his beautiful arm around Yunlan's neck.......and looks at Yunlan's brown eyes and his plum lips which he like the most.......Yunlan kiss Wei' forehead and Shen Wei place his head on Yunlan's chest while enjoying the romantic music........

Meantime one Rolls Royce car stop at the wedding venue and a middle age handsome man come out from the car. He looked here and there for finding someone........and his eye land on newlywed couple who enjoying romantic music in each other embrace. He smirks and headed toward them and touches Yunlan's shoulder..........

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