Chapter 13

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" are here" Yezun shouts for getting those lovebird attentions, and he knows about his dad's nature..... He is kind and caring but, when it's talk about....his rules and regulations.......he become an angry and strict man. Yezun use this idea...... and yes it's work on them........Shen Wei heard his Brother shouts and he gently push Yunlan........ Yunlan understand he stood up and stand near the bed.

Mr. and Mrs. Shen entered in the room and see Wei sits on the bed while wipe his tear from his back of hand........and that man stand beside him with concern face. "Are you okay Wei..?" Mrs. Shen asked to Shen Wei and sits beside him and spread her arm to Wei...... and other hug her tightly.

In Mayor House

Crack sound echo in the Mayor house...... Mr. Zhu Wen talking on his cell phone to Mr. Shen "I don't understand......what are you try to say...... What happ...."He stops when he heard the sound........he cut the call and runs to that way, where the sound comes from.

He look here and there........everything scatter everywhere, "What are you crazy brat...... what's up with you this.......time why are you angry...huh!" Why I am could that Shen Wei slaps me........and push me......make me feel embarrass in front of those malls workers. Zhu Jiu shouts on his grandfather.

"What you mean he......slap you.....and why?" Mr. Zhu Wen asks in confusion. "It's doesn't matter old man....... I want him underneath me and teach him some to respect his future husband" Zhu Jiu said in frustration....... "What you going to bastard can't you hold your filthy desire until the marriage" Mr. Zhu Wen ask and other only laugh evilly........

In Sundial Hospital

He is totally fine now, you can take him home with you.......Said Dr. Chen with a sweet smile. Mr. Shen nodded his head to doctor and ask.......who bring Wei at the hospital. Dr. Chen points her finger at Yunlan.......who stand there quietly. Mr. Shen come closer to him and said thanks to him, and asks who are you? "I'm police Chief...... my name is Zhao Yunlan......sir" Oh! Thank you for your help officer,  Mr. Shen thank him. And where did you found Wei? And where's Zhu Jiu?

"At shopping Mall......" Yunlan said.

"What......." What are you doing in the Mall Wei? Shen Wei tells everything to his family, what Zhu Jiu tries to do with him. Mrs. Shen shock and looks at her husband, Mr. Shen angrily take out his cell phone.....and dial Mr. Zhu Wen number.......


"Wait......oh.....c'mon Scoop.... Don't go there please come back...." Li Qian said running behind her dog......toward the forest. After running for while she reach at the abandon cabin, Li Qian sees her dog enter in the cabin, she call her dog to return back but her dog only bark inside in the cabin. So she has no choice and she entered in the cabin.

Li Qian looks here and there and find nothing so she turn back to leave the cabin but she feel something beneath her shoes, she slowly look down there was some blood who flows beneath her she screams out loud....... She tries to run from there but she bumps on something, and fall down...... There is two dead bodies are laid down on the floor....... Li Qian can't help she run out of the cabin and hurriedly call police station and inform them.

In Police Station

A lovely couple busy in their own world......when they got interrupt by a call. "Hello.......this is SID.......what can I help you" Wang Zheng said in her angry tone. But she frowns when she heard a girl crying on the other side of phone.

Wang Zheng asks her to what happen then she cut the call and run to Chu Shuzhi cabin and informed him. Chu Shuzhi stood up off his chair and go to the woods. Wang Zheng and Guo Chang Cheng also accompanied him.

40 minute later they arrive at the cabin and sees Li Qian sit under the tree while holding her dog in arm. Chu Shuzhi come closer to her and ask where those dead bodies. She look up and points toward the cabin, Chu Shuzhi gesture Wang Zheng to talk to the girl while he checking the cabin, she nod and sooth Li Qian back to consol her.

In few second forensics teams also arrive there. A tall man wears his old style glasses.....come out from the car and follow Chu Shuzhi. They enter and look at the bodies. "Collect all the evidence.....and blood sample of those bodies" Chu Shuzhi said to Lin Jing and he take out his cell phone to inform their Chief. Lin Jing nod and start his work.

Yezun help Shen Wei to sit in the car..... On other hand Mr. Shen shock when Mr. Zhu Wen cut his call...... he look confuse. Yunlan stretch his eyebrow and look at the old man facial expressions. "What happen.......sir" Yunlan ask.

Mr. Shen look at him and said nothing.......he once again thanks him and went from there. Yunlan feel weird but only smile to him. He reach to Shen Wei's window door and about to say something but his cell phone rings and Yunlan grit his teeth, he pick up and shout on that person who is other side. But when he heard Chu Shuzhi talk.........he cut the call and bows his head to Shen Wei parents and goes from there.

Shen Wei looked at Yunlan face and understand it's an emergency...... he don't want him to leave.......but Wei understand Yunlan's situation so he softly smiles to him. Zhu Hong notice and look at Yunlan who also smile and drove away.

Mrs. Shen sit next to Shen Wei, she softly care Wei cheek that make other smile. When they are middle of their way to home Shen Wei feel sleepy so he laid his head on his mother shoulder, and sleep.......


💕Sweet dreams 💚😴

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