Chapter 11

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A Random House

A little girl run to the door to catch her ball, which rolls away and stop front of the door. Her mother picks her in arm...... and tells her husband to close the door. Her husband smile and said. "Okay....dear" her daughter sudden felt sleep in her mother warm embrace......she chuckle and go to her daughter's room while......again tell her husband to clean those dishes........who she left in dish washer. Unknown to them a pair of eye...... looking at them with anger......

Her husband smile and kiss his wife on her lips and said. "Anything....... For you" she smile shyly and go, after 15 minute later she come back to kitchen, and looked here and there for her husband. But she didn't find him.....suddenly she heard a scream outside from the house, she run out of the house..... A bloody hand grabs her leg and pulls her back......which make her felt down with a loud thud on the ground. She looks behind..... Now she faces a bloody eye who glares at her without a blink...... she try to scream......but her head cut off from her neck..... And her body lay on floor lifeless......

In Shen Mansion

It's around 10 am in the morning and Zhu Jiu comes there to pick Shen Wei for lunch date. Mr. Shen warmly welcome Zhu Jiu and they sits in the lobby, then Mr. Shen calls his wife to tell Wei about Zhu Jiu arrival he glares at Mrs. Shen.....but she only smile and left. Zhu Jiu felt something but he ignores and keeps dinking his coffee.

Mrs. Shen open Wei's room, her eye widen when she sees Shen Wei sleep on his bed while curdling his knee.......his red cheeks tell everything what happened last night. She cares Shen Wei hairs that make him stir and open his swallow eye.........then he hurriedly hug his mother and again start crying........he remember last night event and can't control himself...........his mother consol him and tell him about Zhu Jiu arrival. Shen Wei looks at her and said he doesn't want to go with him....... "Please Maa help me.......tell dad.....I don't want this.....Please!!" but Mrs. Shen shout and asked him "what wrong with Zhu Jiu........Why you behaving like this"

Yezun heard them.......he come there and suggest him "If dad doesn't understand you..... Why not you tell Mr. Mayor about this....... He's good man and I'm sure he understands you and maybe he convince dad" Shen Wei look at Yezun and hug him. After few minute later Shen Wei comes down. Zhu Jiu looks at Shen Wei and said. "Good morning my.....Wei you look so beautiful today"

Shen Wei didn't reply him but when his dad glare at him........Shen Wei didn't say anything only kneel his head down and sits beside his father. Zhu Jiu stood up and smiles then ask permission to take Shen Wei with him, Mr. Shen smile to Zhu Jiu and glare at Wei..... Shen Wei stood up on his sit and walk toward the door. Zhu Jiu handshake with Mr. Shen then they both left the Mansion.

A Random House

Ambulance and police car stand on the roadside, a forensic team collecting some evidence while some officer's looking at the dead body......and investigate it, "eeyuuu.... What the smell......" Wang Zheng said while covering nose with her hand. An officer tell her it's because of that dead body but she looking at other way covered her nose. That officer looks that way and pop out his eye....... He's face is green now and he looking so terible..... Yes! he's Guo Chang Cheng who vomited when he sees dead body and now he feels nauseous.

Few minute later a growling red hummer car stop in front of that house, a tall and extremely handsome man come out of that car......with taking out a lollipop from his jeans pocket...... peel then pop it in his mouth and start licking..........Chu Shuzhi come from inside the house and said to Yunlan. "No one here in this house only two dead bodies we found, the lady and her daughter.... but" Chu Shuzhi abruptly stop his word and make other looked at him. Zhao Yunlan raises his one eyebrow then takes out his lollipop and covers it with its wrapper......and put it in his pocket and said. "But...... What?"

In Shopping Mall

An hour later Zhu Jiu stops his car at shopping mall, Shen Wei look at him and ask..... Why we stop here Zhu Jiu smirk and get out of his car and said he want to buy something for him. Shen Wei also out of the car......he didn't say anything and look other side...... they both entered in the mall and Zhu Jiu start looking some expensive gift for Shen Wei.......

A Random House

Zhao Yunlan..... is Zhao Yunlan......everyone know about him, he's not the one who take time to understand the situation......... he cross Chu Shuzhi and go near the dead body.......he got in sitting position while his one knee is bend and other knee touch the ground....... he look at the body then turn his gaze to Chu Shuzhi. "Where's the missing head of the body.....and what about her..... Husband?" he asks and Chu Shuzhi shook his head (no).........and said he didn't find him either.

Meantime one of the officers come near to Zhao Yunlun, by holding a file and said.... "These case are exactly the same as other......sir" who we receive last week. Zhao Yunlan stands up and starts looking randomly here and there while talking to Chu Shuzhi. Send these bodies to the forensic.....and ready your officer's have lots of work to do.

Suddenly Zhao Yunlun clinches his fist in anger..... After sighed deep breath he shouts on the person who vomits and lay beside the two dead bodies....... "If you want to be dead forever just tell me.... I'll help you, you mosquito.....ass hole!!!" Although Wang Zheng also works hard to wake him up......but she fails to wake Guo Chang Cheng.

When Guo heard Yunlan voice........ He immediately stand up and adjusting his cloth. "I...I..I am so sorry Chief Zhao....I.... just". Zhao Yunlun ignores him and tells Chu Shizui........ He wants this postmortem report before lunch time....... Chu Shuzhi nod and take Guo Chang Cheng with him by pulling his hand and drove away.

Zhao Yunlun sees them off and turns his gaze to the upstairs .... He slowly climbs on the stairs...... These stairs lead him to front of that room door...... Who is chock by something......? As he tries to open that door......he heard some sound come from that room. Yunlan kick the door and make the entrance for him........he looked here and there but didn't find anyone........ He feels cold breath on his behind, Yunlan quickly turn to look who's there but again .......found nothing.

Yunlan out from the room and go toward the kitchen...... Found some broken crockery's who scatter everywhere in the kitchen...... Zhao Yunlun cell phone rings he takes out his cell phone........ Screen showing unknown number then he think of something and receiving call..... Suddenly he heard a weird sound from his left side .... Without wasting time he run toward the way.......but his leg was bumped with something and he fell on the ground.......and someone grab his leg tightly and pull him harshly.... Zhao Yunlun tries to grab table that place middle of the way.........but he can't, because he was forcefully pulled by something......

But today is lucky day for Zhao Yunlun........ He rolls and takes out his gun and shot the way he was forcefully pull by something. Yunlan heard a growling sound and one pair of eye, who stare him hungrily. Yunlan stand up from the floor but he tremble when he hiss in pain..... He fell on the couch and shout..... "aaaaaahhhhhhh!! Aaaaahhhhhh!"


This chapter is little bit long.......Hope u all not bore with that😅😅

Enjoy everyone.....😊

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