Chapter 30

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Zhao Apartment

Shen Wei comes out from the bathroom while wipping his wet hair.....which makes him even hotter than before. Two strong arms wrap Shen Wei from behind "How are you my life..." Yunlan said in lovingly. Shen Wei smile and turn " my husband's strong arm" Wei said and kiss Yunlan's cheek then he break the embrace and go to the kitchen after wishing him morning.

Yunlan smile and go to the bathroom...... later he come out while wrapping only towel in his lower body, he stop and found his beautiful wifey cooking for him in the kitchen. Yunlan smirk and silently go there......He wrap his arms around Week's waist and kiss his nape "umm.... Ah lan..... uhh....I'm..... umm.... cooking.." Shen Wei said in his moan.

"I want to eat youuuu..... Xiao Wei" Yunlan said and make other turn and start kissing his soft pink lips "uuummmmm.....Ah!!" Wei moan and it make Yunlan chuckle, he trail down and kiss his neck and collarbone......then Yunlan start sucking his nipples, which make Shen Wei hot.

"" Shen Wei try to stop him but Yunlan is not in the mood to spare him and suddenly Wei moan and widen his eyes in shock "ah...aaahhhh!!!" because his hungry beast start licking and sucking his prize....

Shen Wei clinch Yunlan's hair from behind and try to stop him......but other keep doing his work and it's cause Wei cum "yun......aahhhhh!!" Shen Wei moan loud and other lick it "it's delicious.....yumm!!" Yunlan said then he pick heavily panting Shen Wei who turn red like tomato, and make him sit on the kitchen counter.

Then Yunlan kiss his pink lips again......they kissing each other...... gently then hungrily, Yunlan break the kiss and let Wei breath some air, then he push Wei on the counter and throw his cloth on the floor and spread his leg "I'm still hungry! feed me again...wifey!" Yunlan seductively said while licking his own lips.....

Shen Wei smile shyly and close his eyes then turn his head other side while spreading his leg for his husband "ahh....slo...w...uumm....yyunl...ahhrrr...lannnnn' Yunlan again start sucking his prize......and make Wei moaning mess. Shen Wei clinch Yunlan's hair while enjoying the pleasure.....which is give by his husband.

Suddenly Shen Wei heard swinging rope sound..... he open his eyes "AHHHHH!!" Shen Wei screamed when he saw a burning corpse swinging in the lobby.

"What happened....did I hurt you?" Yunlan startled, he stop and look up and found Wei screaming he asked and other only pointing his finger at the lobby......Yunlan turn to see there.....and in meantime Wei scream again and slip from the kitchen counter..... because someone lick his earlobe and whisper in his ear "shennnnn weiiiiiiii....."

Yunlan turn to Shen Wei and found him unconscious on the floor.... because his head got hit. Yunlan hurriedly pick him and place on the bed..... then he check Wei head, is there any wounds or not. Yunlan sigh relief when he found nothing.....

"How stupid you Zhao can you hurt your Wei!!" Yunlan curse himself.....then remembers doctor word.

Don't force him....his injury not heal yet and it takes time to don't put pressure on him.

Yunlan again curse himself and grit his teeth in anger.....he hold Wei hand and wait for him to get concious back.

Ring.... Ring....

Yunlan turn to see who's calling him...and it's Chu Shuzhi, Yunlan pick his phone and go to the balcony "Lao Chu... I'm not in mood to talk....." Yunlan said and other apologize for his action....and also tell him about the incidence which happened last night......

Shen Mansion

"Don't worry....she will be fine soon, it's just a stroke" Dr. said to Mr. Shen and take his leave "what happen to your sister?" Da Qing asked and Yezun tell him everything about Zhu Hong. Da Qing feel bad for her and say if they need any help just tell him.... Yezun smile to him and Mr. Shen question Da Qing..... when he come here? Both looked at each other

"chief..... send me here for pick some stuff of his wife!! that's why I'm here sir" Da Qing said and Yezun nod.....Then he tell Da "you go when I meet Wei I'll give him.... okay! bye!!!" Da Qing nod his head and leave from there.... and Yezun also smile hesitantly and leave immediately. Mr. Shen only left there dumbfounded

Zhao Apartment

Shen Wei opens his beautiful almond eye and found his husband stand at the balcony while talking on his phone. He slowly goes there and wrap his slender thin arm around others waist and kiss his nape while closing his eye........other turn to Wei and lick his neck.........Wei feel some thick drop on his neck he open his eye and found that evil creature hover him.

"Aaaahh!......aaahhhh!!" Shen Wei shout when that creature scratching his cheeks, neck and his chest with his sharp claw.......and make him bleeding hell. Shen Wei fall down and start crawling backward in frighten but due to blood on the floor his hand slip and make hard for him to move back. Meantime that creature jump on Wei and start devouring him "Aaahhhh.....uuummmhh...aah....yu...yyyun....lannnnn" Shen Wei screams in pain.

Zhao Yunlan heard Wei scream when he talking on his phone........he turn and found Shen Wei full of blood on the bed while struggling and screaming in his sleep. Yunlan widen his eyes in shock.......he hurriedly come to Wei and grab his shoulder and nudged forcedly to wake him up. "Aaaaahhh...hhhhh!!" Shen Wei snapped open his eyes, he again scream then faint.......



It's been a long wait.... but don't worry, I'm back with this story..... and I can feel your happy face... hope so😅😅

I Hope you all enjoy while reading..... and have any questions feel free to ask...😉

I'm sorry for my mistake.....🙏

Thank you..😘❤

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