Chapter 29: The sass queen is back

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– You might be right, but I ain't coming back – I groaned as Mikey tried for the third time to make me go back to my house.

– Whatever Gerard, whatever – he said and turned around, going to his bedroom.

I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV.


I turned it off and took a comic from the coffee table. At least this was more interesting.

It wasn't too much later when the phone rang.

– Mikey! Phone! – I yelled not bothering in lifting my eyes from the fifth comic I was reading that morning.

– Dude, can't you even pick up the phone? – he said while he came out of his room.

I shrugged. Hey! It wasn't my house.

– Hey Frank – Mikey answered.

– Yeah, he's here – I looked up from the comic to Mikey, who was staring at me with his characteristic expression.

" What?" I mouthed.

He rolled his eyes under his glasses.


– He's being the sass queen, isn't he? – I asked rolling my eyes.

Rylee was already up, but she just moved from bed to the couch, still in her pajamas.

– Yeah, man, he's so stupid when he wants to – Mikey replied.

From behind I was able to hear Gerard complaining.

– He doesn't realize of what he could have right now – I denied with my head to myself.

– What are you talking about? – Mikey questioned curiously.

– Rylee remembers everything. She almost had an anxiety attack though, and that's not good after the operation – Mikey sighed from the other side.

– I have to go, I'll come over later – he said and then hanged out.

I left the phone in its place and plopped down next to Rylee.

– Hey beauty – I said poking his side.

She smiled kindly but turned her attention back to the TV.

– C'mon, I'll make you some pancakes – I patted her leg and stood up.


– No! I don't want you to burn my kitchen – I said quickly and grabbed his hand.

This man could burn water; I didn't even want to know what he could do with something solid.

While he showed me his infamous smile, I decided if I should or not ask him, but I ended up asking him anyway.

– Who were you talking to? – I questioned and sipped my tea.

– Mikes, he found Gee – I looked at him with wide eyes.

– Is he okay? – he nodded and rolled his eyes.

– He's being the sass queen as always – I couldn't help but smiling.

But as much as I liked Gerard acting like always, I was pretty sure he didn't want to see me again, and that killed me.

Why? Why did I decide to act like a fool and kiss Bob? Why did I tell Gerard?

I sighed loudly, gaining a weird look from Frank.

– Are you okay? – he asked curiously sitting upside down.

– Yeah, just thinking – I groaned and lay on the couch in the free space.

– That's not good – He murmured. I rolled my eyes but smiled anyway.

That was pretty much how we spent our morning; not doing too much, just lying on the couch and watching some TV.

Jamia came at lunch time and insisted in me having a shower and eating some spaghettis.

I didn't want to get up from the couch; why would I want to do that? But I ended up heading upstairs and into the shower while she prepared the food.

I looked around but realized I had forgotten my clothes. Oh, for fuck's sakes.

– Jamia! – I yelled as I barely opened the bathroom's door, gripping the towel around my body.

No answer.

I sighed loudly and tried again. Still no answer.

In that moment Frank popped up, that smile on his face that made me want to punch him.

– Do you need anything? – he asked curious. I gripped the towel more if possible.

– I forgot my clothes, can you call Jamia? – I asked bitting my bottom lip when I finished.

The look in his face said it all. This was bad; like really bad.

– I can take it for you – he commented leaning on the wall and looking at his nails.

– Just call Jamia, please – I groaned.

He smirked but headed to my bedroom instead of to the stairs.

My eyes wide open. I gripped the towel and ran after him, stopping Frank at the door.

– Don't you ever dare – I narrowed my eyes.

He just casually smiled and shrugged, turning around and happily heading downstairs.

<<Someday Frankie, someday>> I murmured to myself as I closed the door behind me and took a pair of sweatpants, a big t-shirt and obviously my underwear.

<<Imagine what would have happened if I let Frank with my underwear>> I thought. I shivered just imagining it.

The bell rang, snapping me out of my thoughts.

– Rylee! Someone's here to see you! – Jamia called from downstairs.

I ended with my clothes and ran to the stairs, taking a look at who it was.

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