Chapter 31: And after all, you're my wonderwall II

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Those were the most uncomfortable twenty minutes of my life. And when I said uncomfortable, I meant it. We didn't talk at all during that time.

It seemed that for Gerard, it was pretty easy to ignore me; I just walked from one side to the other of the room but ended up plopping on the armchair in front of the little coffee table.

Was he talking seriously? Was Mikey going to leave us here until we resolved the situation?

I carefully took one of the comics that Mikey pretended to lend me and started reading it, but put it away five minutes later.

<<I should probably say something to break the silence, but what can I say that won't end up with Gerard glaring at me?>> Through my mind kept running that idea, but the words wouldn't go out of my mouth.

– So, we should talk about this because I want to get out of here, Mikey's running out of coffee – Gerard said.

I snapped out of my thoughts when his voice reached my ears.

– U-uh – I nodded.

I felt so stupid in that moment.

– Mikey had told me to try to understand that you weren't you in that moment because you didn't remember me, what it's true, but it still hurts anyway – he left the comic he had been hiding behind on the coffee table and looked at me with no expression.

– I don't know what to say...I-I'm sorry – I replied looking down at my hands.

– I know you are, I've always been able to read your feelings, but that won't make me trust you again – I looked at him from behind my fringes; his eyes were on me like an eagle looking at his prey.

I didn't deserve his forgiveness, and I supposed he was just trying to end up with that thing so he could continue with his life and forget about my existence.

– Aren't you going to say anything? – he asked obviously frustrated.

I looked up and shrugged.

– What do you want me say? There's no way you're forgiving me, or at least I don't see any – I shrugged again.

– I can forgive you, just...just not now and less if you don't help me – he scratched his black hair frowning.

I sighed. I really wasn't in the mood for talking about what happened. I knew we had to resolve it, but that day I only wanted to stay in bed, sleeping.

I buried myself a little in my big hoodie, searching for my corporal heat.

– Do you want me to turn on the heating? – he offered, but I denied.

He did it anyway and I had to recognize I felt a little better when the room warmed.

During that time I had been thinking, about everything and nothing, and had arrived to some point in my mind.

– Look, I'm dead serious when I say I'm sorry for what I did, cause I am now. I really want you to forgive me. I don't want to argue, I just want to go to sleep and forget about my existence – I looked down because I couldn't stand looking at him.

Looking at him made me feel so guilty.


I was for sure killing Mikey when I got out of there.

But then I ended up deciding that it was better if we resolved everything so we could continue our lives.

So seeing how Rylee wasn't going to start a conversation, I did it.

But, after some minutes, it was frustrating me because I wanted to find a solution, I really wanted to, but for that I needed her help.

After a couple of minutes with my face buried in my hands, I looked at Rylee, just to find her sitting in the same spot but her face was paler and she looked tired.

– Look, I'm dead serious when I say I'm sorry for what I did, cause I am now. I really want you to forgive me. I don't want to argue, I just want to sleep and forget about my existence – she looked down.

You couldn't imagine how much I wanted to hug her and say that it was nothing after how she said that. Rylee almost cried after what she said.

I stood up and walked to her side, took her as I could in my arms and walked to Mikey's room.

Not for what you're probably thinking.

– What are you doing? – she asked surprised.

– You need to rest – I replied and slightly shrugged.

She didn't say anything more.

I lay her on Mikey's bed and removed from the bed some of Mikey's clothes.

I turned around but Rylee caught my t-shirt softly.

– Thanks – she mumbled looking at me shyly.

I couldn't help but smiling.

– Not a problem – I replied.

I couldn't remember how long we looked into each others eyes, but when she left her hand fall from my t-shirt, I snapped out.

– I'll let you rest – I mumbled.

– You don't bother me – I heard her saying when I was closing the door behind me.

I plopped down on the couch just in time to hear how the door was unblocked and I couldn't help but smile to myself.

I completely forgot about Mikey's security system; he was able to see everything thanks to his surveillance cameras.

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