Chapter 58: Drum roll please

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I was sat outside the tour bus, smoking a cigarette. I had stopped smoking, but I needed to relax, and it reminded me of the old days. I sighed heavily and smashed the cigarette against the floor.

It'd been a week since I called Rylee for the last time. Well, I called, but she didn't answer.

I ran a hand through my hair; my blond bangs fell on my eyes and I stared at it. Somehow I missed my black hair, the darkness, how it looked in contrast with my pale skin.

Ray opened the bus door and stared at me. I looked back at him in silence.

– Are you okay? – he asked.

– Yeah, everything's fine – I shrugged.

– You smoke again? – he frowned.

They'd been taking care of my health since Frank found that bottle of whiskey in my room, and honestly, it was starting to annoy me.

– I just needed to relax – I looked at nothing in particular.

– I you say so – he replied and disappeared again inside the tour before I could actually answer him.

I took my mobile phone from the pocket of my jacket and stared at it. What if I tried again? I searched her name between my contacts but ended up saving my phone again.

>>No, Gerard, you have to move on<<

That was easy to say and to think, but I didn't know if I really wanted to.

I clapped my hands against my knees and stood up, ready to go back inside the tour bus, but then, my mobile phone rang. I frowned, not expecting anyone to call me.

You can imagine my face when I saw who was calling.


I rubbed my eyes, expecting to be daydreaming or something, but no, it was real.

I answered the phone, my hands shaking a little, but didn't show in my voice my nervousness.

– Hello? – I faked not knowing who was calling.

– Uh...Gerard? It's...Rylee – she started.

How long could I have lived without hearing her voice again? I didn't know it.

– Oh, hello – I replied.

– How are you? – she asked me.


– Fine...I guess. Alive. What about you? – I questioned back.

– Alive – she replied with that tone of voice that indicated me she had smiled.

– It's...nice to hear your voice – I told her.

What could I say? I wanted her back...

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