Chapter 41: Drank more than you should

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– If you didn't have a boyfriend already... – Mikelangelo mumbled clearly drunk.

I just laughed and rolled my eyes. He did remind me of Frankie a lot, but in the end it wasn't the same, and I was whiling to see my little monster. Exactly the same happened with Gerard. I loved these guys, but Gerard was Gerard, and I missed him.

Maeva announced she was leaving three hours later, and Merwan soon did too. It wasn't until 2 am that I decided to leave; thing that gave Mikelangelo and Florent a reason to use puppy faces.

– Guys... – I groaned but couldn't help but to smile.

– Ooookay, let's go then – Florent said as he stood up.

– You're drunk, I'll drive – I said and asked for the keys.

He groaned but gave them to me.

I had to recognize that I loved Florent's car. It was awesome.

As soon as I arrived to the hotel room, I took my own car keys and went to the little living room to tell Florent that we could go, but he was asleep on the couch.

I pursed my lips but smiled in the end. I walked to the nearest wardrobe, took out a blanket and covered Florent.

It was late so I decided to go to bed too.


The next morning I found Florent in the same spot I left him, but he was awake and had his face buried in his hands.

– Good morning – I said as I put my hair in a ponytail.

He just groaned.

– Do you want an aspirin? – I questioned.

– Please – he murmured.

I went to the bathroom and looked in the cupboard where I had the medicines. I found what I was looking for and returned to the living room.

– Here – I told him, offering a glass of water too.

Florent uncovered his face and took the glass of water and the aspirin. After drinking he stared at me.

– What? – I asked after a couple of minutes.

– Nothing – he replied shrugging.

I frowned for a moment but cleared it from my mind. Whatever.

– Why did I sleep in your couch? – he asked after a moment of silence.

– You were drunk and fell asleep there – I replied simply.

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