Chapter 12: What's unwritten

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She came really close, making me able to feel her breath against my skin. At first I was just jocking, but after she moved her hands from my chest to my tights, she really turned me on.

She lifted an eyebrow as I licked my bottom lip, thinking.

We never talked about what we wanted, I meant I didn't know if she wanted to wait for

Her eyes on me made me be nervous. I didn't know how to react when people stared at me.

– Uh... – that was the only sound that came out of my mouth.

God, why had I to be so shy when I didn't know how to react? I face-palmed myself mentally. I was so stupid. I didn't even know why Rylee was with me.

Why was I shirtless to start? I'd never felt comfortable without t-shirt, and there I was, shirtless in front of my girlfriend not knowing what to say or what to do.

– Gee? Are you okay? I was just messing with you, don't scare me – Rylee said resting a hand on my cheek.

I snapped out of my thougths, blinking and looking at her. How much time had I been out?

– Uh...yeah, I'm okay, I was just thinking – I blinked one more time and sat down Indian style, taking my t-shirt from the floor and putting it on.

– Okay... – she sat down frowning a little.

After putting on my t-shirt I actually felt more comfortable, more like myself. I meant the gym was making effect, but I wasn't a superman, if you know what I meant.

– You know you can talk to me, don't you? – Rylee asked. I nodded slowly.

What was I supposed to say? Yeah I trust you, I just don't want you to see my naked body because I'm fat. That would just piss her off. Piss her off because she didn't like me when I said those things.

She got up and went to the door, still wearing my hoddie, and disappeared from the room. I frowned not understanding where she was going, but stayed there anyway, sat on bed.


I stood up and went downstairs to the kitchen. It was so obvious that something was wrong with Gee that it upset me. It grieved me because he didn't want to tell what was wrong. We'd been together for like three weeks...

I scratched my head thinking where did mum leave the chocolate. I wanted some hot chocolate.

I found it in a cupboard and started preparing the stuff I needed for it.

As I made the hot chocolate, things were running through my mind. Maybe he didn't like me physically and he didn't know how to say it. Maybe he...maybe Gerard was tired of me...

I sighed and continued doing what I was doing before my thoughts decided to punch me in the stomach. Cooking relaxed me somehow, but it was a bad thing to do if I wasn't going to pay attention. Today wasn't my day apparently, because I burnt three of my fingers.

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