Chapter 11: Having problems dear Gerard?

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– Rylee, we're going to take your grandma from her house, be safe, okay? – My mother told me from the living room's door. I lifted my eyes from the sketch Gee was doing. He looked up too.


– Sure, have fun – I waved goodbye.

– Bye bye you two – my father said to us as he walked to the door.

Gee and I waved goodbye to them.

He continued drawing while I prepared the DVD for watching a film.

– Are you telling me what are you drawing or not? – I asked as he didn't want me to see the details of the sketch.

He bit his bottom lip, doubted but finally showed it to me.

– Don't laugh – he said as I looked a drawing of myself.

– This is so cute – I said turning to look at him smiling.

– It's nothing – He shrugged. I kissed him softly, but it turned more passionated in the end.

As we kissed, we changed the position, ending Gerard on top of me on the couch. We broke the kiss and looked at each other for a while without moving.

– I love you – Gee said and it was reflected in his eyes. That little bright point that filled his eyes with love.

– I love you too – I pecked his lips before we sat down correctly and turned on the film.



– Should we call the guys? – I asked from my position on the sofa, since Gerard was laying behind me.

– Frankie and Ray are in New York and I want you all for myself – he said burying his face in the side of my neck.

I smiled stroking his hair.



Rylee turned around to face me on the couch.

– So what do you want to do now? – she asked playing with our fingers.


– Let's go get some coffee – I suggested.

She rolled her eyes but stood up anyway.

– Someday you'll die because of the amount of caffeine you'll have in your body – I laughed while putting on my jacket.

We walked hand in hand to the nearest Starbucks and bought some coffee. We chose an empty table and sat down.

Never forget how beautiful you are (Gerard Way FF)Where stories live. Discover now