Chapter 16: Too much for just one night

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Okay, from here the story is going to start changing. I'm moving forward in time.

Hope you still enjoy it and please vote and comment :)





The next morning when I arrived to school, Gerard was waiting for me next to his old black car. I bit my bottom lip trying to fight back the smile that was whiling to appear in my lips.

When he spotted me, he caught his bag and walked in my direction. I stopped walking.

– Rylee please, I know I fucked it all, but listen to me, please, give me a minute, just one – he almost begged.

I nodded.

– Those guys were messing with us, and I'm tired of people having to defend me and in that moment you appeared and they said those things...I wasn't thinking. I really need you to forgive me because I'm really sorry for...everything – he lifted his arms but left him fall.

I glanced at my watch. Ten minutes left until the first class started.

– Have you finished? – I asked.

He slightly nodded looking at me with the saddest face ever.

– I forgive you, but you have to understand that I I love you, and I just want to help you, and if I can't do something alone I want you to help me too – Gerard breathed in relief.

It wasn't so difficult to understand, right?

– Let me do something for you – he stopped me.

We had started walking and were almost arriving to the main door of the building.


– What's on your mind? – I asked interested.

You could expect anything from Gerard. His mind was a tornado in action.

– I've heard that “Shakespeare in Love” is going to be back in the cinema for a week – he said shyly.

Someone's afraid of being a sensitive person Mr. Gerard?

– I'd love to see it again. Calm down Gee, you're my boyfriend, I won't think you're gay for wanting to see a romantic film – I smiled and patted his head. He glanced at me and smiled as he brushed his hair with his fingers.

– Thank you, I guess – he slightly laughed. I rolled my eyes and took him by the collar of his t-shirt.

– Kiss me you loser – Gerard smirked before our lips connected.


[Lets skip sometime: Two months later]


I'd been looking myself more than I used to do before. And I realized that I needed to do some sport. I wasn't fat like very fat, but I wasn't an Adonis either.

I didn't know why Rylee seemed as if she didn't mind about that. She had a gorgeous body and she didn't care about her boyfriend's? Really?

I convinced Frankie to come with me to the gym, and I actually started feeling great after the first month, but Rylee obviously noticed it and started saying that I was okay, that I didn't need to change anything...

I wasn't gonna fight with her, but I didn't know, I just needed to feel better with myself.

She ended up accepting that I needed it and she encouraged me to continue going to the gym. Also, I realized that my voice was improving. I was able to sing longer without problems.

We had written some new songs, and we were recording our first album. It was great, and I also drew the designs for the CD cover.

We were hoping to end the CD in May and so we would be able to go on our first tour when we graduated from high school.

I wanted to study arts after the tour too, and Rylee was going to study photography. She was quite good at taking photographs already.

She also had started singing with me when we had free time; I was teaching her I guess. Her voice was beautiful.

Not too much time after some friends and her made a band, just for fun. She was the lead singer.

A lot of time after we graduated and finished our studies, there were a lot more tours.

Rylee and I were still together after 5 years. It was a long relationship and I wasn't thinking in ending it of course.


That was more or less how I spent my high school years. What happened after that day? Well, Frank and Jamia started dating, don't ask me how because I'd never understand it. I mean, I used to think Frank was a player, but immediately after they started dating he changed a lot, in a good way.

Mikey had a girlfriend but they broke up months later. Bob started dating a girl from Frankie's class, and they were still together.

And Ray used to keep everything in secret, so I didn't really know if he was with someone or not. Ask Gerard, he'd probably know it.

Talking about Gee. He and I were still together, and I wasn't planning in letting him go of my side.


Our band had a lot of fans actually. When we started this we didn't think how far it would get. It was great.

Gee and I saw each other less because of the tours and also because I worked as a photographer and had to move a lot sometimes. Even with that, I loved him as the first day.

One day, Gerard and I were going to our house; yeah, we lived together since we started the university. He was driving, I was sat in the passenger's seat. We were singing a song that was in the radio being the fools we were.

Suddenly there was a flash that made us unable to see anything and a second later another car hit us from behind.

There was a crash and a heavy bar made of metal went across our car glass. I thought that was the end for both of us, but I found myself just with some cuts and a headache.

I looked to my left to see that the bar had passed through Gerard's chest and that he was pale and seemed lifeless.

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