Chapter 53: Let's go home

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I opened the closet door, wondering what could I wear to our date. Gerard hadn't said much about it and I really didn't know what to choose.

– Gee! Can you tell me where are we going? Or at least what to wear? – I whined, sat on the floor in front of the closet.

He appeared and rested his back against the door frame.

– You can wear what you want – he shrugged.

I tilt my head, my hair moving to the side.

– We aren't going climbing, are we? – I asked.

He looked at me as if I was crazy.

– Yeah, you can't sing and I'm going to make you climb a mountain – the irony clearly filling his words.

I stuck my tongue out at him.

–So, a dress? – I wondered.

– How many times have I to tell you that you'll be beautiful with anything you choose? – he folded his arms across his chest.

– Oh, shut up – I replied, blushing a little.

Why had he to choose his words so well.

Gerard shrugged and disappeared from the room. I looked back at the closet and pursed my lips.

What to wear, what to wear...?

I tried some dresses on and finally chose one, simple but still cute; then chose a pair of heels and finished getting ready.


– So, let's go – Rylee said as she came in the living room.

I stood up, all my attention in her. I was so lucky for having such a beautiful and caring girl. Back at school, I could had never imagined that a girl like her would appear and change my life. And she didn't understand why I always complemented her and tried to be the perfect guy for her? I wanted to see her smile, laugh...I wanted her to be happy with me.

– You look great – I told her. She smiled and blushed a little while replying with a “thank you”.


We headed to the restaurant I had reserved in and had dinner peacefully. We talked again about Frank, Jamia and the girls, and deep inside I knew I wanted to be a father, but I also knew Rylee wasn't ready for it, for taking care of a baby and continue working.

– You know, there's a tour coming up soon – I commented.

– Oh, well, I have to go back to France in three days, and you'll go on tour, we'll be working and then we'll see each other again – she replied, looking up at me.

I sighed. It was true we'd be working, but, come on, it was a lot of time. I was tired of that.

– What's wrong, Gee? – She questioned, her eyes filled with concern.

– I've been thinking, I'm tired of being away for so long and then coming back and you're not there, or you come back and I'm not there...maybe it's time for the guys and I to break up – I finally said.

Rylee looked at me as if I was crazy.

– love the band, you love singing, and what about the guys? Have you talked to them about this? – she asked.

I hadn't talked to the guys about my insecurities. For sure I was going to talk to them about it, but I had to be sure of what I really wanted before saying something stupid.

– Okay, let's forget about this tonight and have fun – she said, finishing with my thoughts.

– You're right, let's forget about it – I agreed.


I noticed Gerard continued thinking about what he had told me during the dinner, of couse he was. I knew Gerard too well, he couldn't lie to me.

We walked hand in hand, enjoying the night and the few stars the city lights let us see. I looked at him and sighed. He blinked and stared at me.

– What's up? – he asked.

I looked at him not believing he was asking me that.

– Come on, Gee, you agreed in having a good time and you're thinking over and over again about leaving the band. You were the one asking for a night only for us, maybe you should have asked for a night only for you – I replied.

He stared at me, that face of not knowing what to do.

– Yeah, that – I ran a hand through my hair and sighed.

– Let's go home – I said, starting my way back to the car.

– No, come on , I'm sorry, okay? Let's go to a nice place for a while – Gerard told me, taking my hand and stopping me.

I stared at him for a moment, sighed and nodded, hoping he'd stop worrying and start having fun.


But that didn't happen, actually I had to stop him again.

– Gee, I'm tired, and you won't forget about it – I took my hand from his and smiled sadly at him.

He opened his mouth but closed it and scratched the back of his head.

– Let's go home – I said.

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