Chapter 24: Death is reflected in your eyes, but your heart still beats

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In that moment Bob came in the room. My parents and Frankie turned to looked at him while Gerard and I looked at each other.

– What's up? – he said as he half hugged me.

I looked down at the photo and saved it in the album before closing it and leaving it in the bag again.

– Not much – I shrugged.

– You okay? – he asked while Frankie stood up and walked outside.

He'd said he was going for something to drink.

– Yeah, all good – I smiled at him and he returned a warm smirk.

– So...I heard you both can leave tomorrow – He commented looking at Gerard and me.

I nodded, so did Gerard who was concentrated in reading a comic. He didn't even lifted his eyes.


My parents left a while ago, both saying that they were tired from the flight since they hadn't slept in all the way here because they were too worried about me. I wasn't dying or something like that.

Bob and I decided to play a game. We both asked questions of “would you rather...” to each other.

– That's a weird question – I said while laughing.

– I know, just answer it – he laughed too.

– I don't know – I thought about it and made a risky move.

– What do you think Gerard? – I glanced at him bitting my bottom lip.

– Uh? – he looked up from his comic to us.

– Would you rather fart glitter or burp confetti? – He looked at us as if we were crazy but I saw a little smile on his lips.

He thought about it for a moment.

– I'd rather burp confetti, it'd be fun in New Year at least – he smiled and then returned to his comic.

For the first time he had smiled to me instead of ignoring me or looking at me disappointed. That was new.

– Okay, sooo, would you rather swim with sharks in your aquarium with everyone looking or in the see with a jelly fish? – Bob frowned smiling.

– I guess I'm going with the sharks, cause they'd probably be keepers there to control them and that stuff – he said. I nodded.

We continued like that until we didn't know what more to ask.

He left when the nurse told him that 'the doors were going to be closed soon so he had to leave' and that left Gerard and I alone again.

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