Chapter 66: Comics and cinema

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– I don't care Frankie, I'll stay here


– No, listen, I need a break, we all need one, and I want to be here with Rylee.

I frowned and turned around as I could in bed, listening Gerard's voice far, but still hearing what he was saying.

Since I couldn't fall asleep again, I groaned and sat down in bed, rubbing my eyes with one hand before finally standing up.

I slowly made my way out of the bedroom and into the living room, where Gerard was sat down on the couch, his hands covering his face.

– Are you okay? – I wondered while putting my hair in a ponytail.

His hands slid from his face and his hazel eyes looked directly at me.

– Yeah, just...yeah – he sighed and stood up, murmuring good morning andkissing my forehead in his way to the kitchen.

– I heard you arguing with Frank, is everything okay? – I rested my back against the door frame.

– He called and said our manager had complained about me leaving to come here and that I was irresponsible, blah blah blah – he trailed off, rolling his eyes.

I pursed my lips.

– You should have finished the tour... – I said.

– Tell me you wouldn't have done the same – he complained.

I nodded, agreeing with him. It was true. I would have probably done the same if Gerard was the one in the hospital.

– Well, weren't you guys taking a break after the tour anyway? – I questioned.

He nodded after taking a sip of the coffee he had just prepared.

My stomach growled. I sighed. I felt like a cow. I was eating a lot more than I used to because of the baby.


I looked up from my book and at Gerard. He was sketching in his drawing desk, humming the melody of a song.

Everything was so quiet. I liked it, but at the same time I was bored of being there, just lying on the sofa or eating.

– I want to go out – I groaned as I sat down, my belly already making moving a little uncomfortable.

– Where do you want to go? – Gee asked not looking up from what he was doing.

– I don't know...maybe to the cinema? I've seen in a magazine that this week there are original version films, so, no French for you and a film for me? – I said, more like questioned.

He smiled, and, after tracing a couple of lines more, looked up at me.

– Sure, but let me draw a couple of pages first, okay? Get ready while I finish and then we'll go – he reassured.

I happily stood up and made my way to the bedroom, took some nice clothes and then went to the bathroom and took a shower.


When I finished getting ready, I even put on some makeup, I went to the living room to find Gerard ready, reading a music magazine.

– You have everything? – he questioned, leaving the magazine on the couch.

– Yup – I replied.

With that, we went out, Gerard insisting in us taking the lift, and into the car; he obviously driving. I really didn't care, whatever.

We reached the cinema and after parking, we went in. There weren't a lot of people since it was Tuesday. Everyone was working or in their houses, and even less people if we talked about an O.V. movie.

I loved the film we chose, but me being pregnant, I spent half of the time in the bathroom.

Gerard felt bad for me, even when I had been the one wanting to go to the cinema and tried to explain what I hadn't seen of the film.


– Open the door – I whined, seeing Gerard took his time in searching the keys.

– Wait a second – he laughed, introducing the keys, opening the door and letting me in.

I needed to go to the bathroom, again.

When I went out, I groaned.

– I want him or her out now – I sat down on the couch and watched Gerard picking up his comic pages and saving them in a folder.

– We should start thinking what we're going to do when the baby's born – he said.

– I was thinking in using the guest room we have in New Jersey for the baby – I replied while playing with the bottom of my t-shirt.

– Mm...yeah – I yawned.

– We can tell someone there to buy the things for the baby and to prepare the room – I thought out loud.

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