Chapter 52: Babysitting

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I took Cherry in my arms while Gee took Lily in his own. Jamia, wearing one of her best dresses and a pair of high heels, kissed her daughters foreheads.

– Thanks guys for staying with Lily and Cherry, it's been so long since Frank and I went out without the girls – Gerard and I smiled.

– No problem, we love these two little girls – Gee replied, tickling Lily a little, her laugh filling the silence.

– Have fun guys – I said while Frank left her daughters favorite toys in the living room and came back to the main door.

I had recovered my voice but was still carefully taking care of it.

– Thank you – he said and then kissed my cheek, heading to the car seconds later.

– Are you sure you don't mind having them until tomorrow? – Jamia asked frowning.

– Just have fun – I hurried her still smirking.

– Thanks again! – she said as she made her way to the car and into it.

I closed the door seconds after the car had disappeared and turned to look at Gerard, who was playing with a doll with Lily on the couch.

I couldn't help but smiling at the sight. Gerard would be such a good father...but I wasn't really into being a mother, not yet.


When Cherry and Lily were sleeping in their cradle, Gerard and I had dinner and then watched some a movie on TV.

– You know, every time I'm with Lily and Cherry, it makes me want to have my own child – he commented, playing with our fingers.

I looked at him surprised.

– That's easy to say, but I'm the one who'd have to carry a baby in my belly and you can't have peace with a child. Did you hear Jamia? They hadn't have a date since they were born – I protested.

– Oh come on, that's true, but, have you seen Frankie's face each time he's with them? – He counterattacked.

That was true, Frankie's face lighted up every time he had an opportunity to be with the girls, but that didn't mean we had to have a baby.

The conversation didn't go much far than that, mostly because Cherry started crying and with a look Gerard knew the conversation about having babies was over for the moment.

Twenty minutes later I was half asleep on the couch with the girl sleeping in my arms. Gee came from the kitchen and took Cherry from my arms.

– Go to bed, I'll put Cherry back in her cradle – he whispered, kissed my cheek and then made his way to the guest room, where Lily and Cherry were staying that night.

I was tired even for protesting, so I just nodded and did what he'd told me. Minutes later Gerard appeared in our room and lay on bed next to me, turning around and hugging from behind. I hadn't noticed before he was wearing already his pajamas.

– You'll be a great dad – I said, turning in his arms to look at him.

– You'd be a great mum if you tried –he replied, opening his eyes. I silently laughed.

– I don't think so – I said while closing my eyes.


The smell of coffee and toasts woke me up. I stirred in bed and got up, lazily making my way to the kitchen. Cherry and Lily were already sat in their high chairs, playing with their toys.

– Why have you to be so perfect? – I wondered, resting my back on the door frame.

He turned around and smiled raising an eyebrow, bitting a toast.

– Why do you say that? – he asked after swallowing, then taking a sip of his coffee.

I raised an eyebrow too, but instead of answering I made my way to the coffee machine, poured some coffee in a cup and sat down in front of Gerard.


– So, I was wondering, maybe before you have to go again to France, we can go out and have fun – Gerard said as he took Lily from her seat.

– Sure – I smiled, taking Cherry and heading to the guest room.

We dressed up the girls,then I waited in the living room with them until Gerard was ready and then it was my turn.

When I returned to the living room, Cherry and Lily were reducing Gerard with their toys. I couldn't help but laughing till I was crying. That was the most ridiculous thing ever.

– Help me out – he whined.

I sighed, uncrossed my arms and made my way to the girls, stopping them.

– That isn't right, girls – I told them.

I sat down on the couch, watching the girls playing and Gerard sat next to me.

– You know, that reminded me of the bullies in high school, but seriously? Two little girls? – I commented.

– Shut up, you know I was just playing – he playfully hit my arm.

I noticed his hair was more orange than red. Gerard had been taking care of me since the incident in the mall. I smirked.

– What? – he smiled.

– Nothing, will your hair ever have your natural color again? – I wondered.

– Maybe someday – he shrugged.


Frank appeared not too long ago, since Jamia had to go because she received a call from work, but the smile on his face said it all.

– I won't ask – I said smirking. He wiggled his eyebrows.

– Thanks again, guys. It has been the most amazing night since these two were born – Frank said, talking about his girls, obviously.

Nine months later we would know why.

Closing the door when Frankie went away with the girls, I turned around and found Gerard in the kitchen, enjoying another cup of coffee.

– You'll die someday because of the amount of caffeine in your body – I said as I poured a glass of water.

He rolled his eyes and sipped his coffee.

– So...what about our date? – Gee asked.

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