Chapter 70: Phone call

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I stared at my own reflection. I for sure was fat. Thanks, baby.

I caressed my belly, feeling a little movement inside. For most people it would be a really cute moment and they'd go to their couple all happy because they had sensed their baby moving, but for me, it was like having an alien inside. It sent shivers down my spine.

– What are you doing? – Gee wondered.

I looked up, observing his reflection in the mirror, and just shrugged.

– I'm just watching this little alien I have inside moving – I murmured, putting my t-shirt down.

– No way! Is it moving? – he asked, coming closer and resting his hand on my now covered belly.

I just nodded.

– Can't wait for tomorrow – Gerard told me.

– What happens tomorrow? – I wondered, not knowing what he was talking about.

– Tomorrow is Friday, remember your appointment? We're going to know if it's a girl or a boy – his eyes had a special light in them. I liked it.

– Oh – was all that escaped my lips.

– You sound very interested – said he ironically.

I rolled my eyes and stared down again at my belly. For sure I wanted to know what I had inside, but I was tired and my back hurt. I sat down on the edge of the bed.

– What do you want it to be? – I wondered while Gerard sad down next to me.

– I want it to be a little girl – he smiled, his eyes in somewhere else, lost in his thoughts.

– Mm...I don't know what I want it to be, I think I'd like a little boy – Gerard blinked and stared at me.

– I bet it's a girl – he had that smile on his face that Frank would usually have.

I sighed and caressed his cheek with one hand.

– I don't think so – I smirked.


– What did you just say? – I questioned.

Frank smiled widely and repeated his last sentence one more time.

– I met Mikey's girlfriend yesterday – I stared at him.

– No way – and like always he replied 'yes way' and I finished it up by saying 'Mikey Way', but this time I wasn't happy or amused; I was surprised.

I was tired of Mikey keeping the 'secret' from me, so I decided I'd be the mature one. If he didn't want to tell me, then I accepted his decision and wasn't going to think about that anymore. And I told Frankie so.

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