Chapter 43: Parler d'amour (speaking of love)

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– What happened with the tour? – I asked playing with our fingers.

– It finished two days ago. As soon as it was over I took a plane and now, I'm here – he shrugged, smiling down at our hands.

– Well, I'm glad your here – I said while looking at him.

– Me too – he leaned, but when our lips were almost touching, my mobile phone rang.

I pursed my lips and turned off the alarm.

– I should get going to the theater – I sighed.

– Oh, well, I guess I'll wait you here – he smiled kindly.

– You can always come with me – I said as I stood up.

He frowned for a moment.

– Wouldn't the actors mind? I mean, they're working, and you'll be working too – He wondered.

I shook my head.

– I don't think so, they're cool, you'll like them – I smiled widely.

– Okay – he simply replied and stood up.

I put on my jacket, took my bag and Gerard's hand and walked out of the house, closing the door behind us.

As soon as I had seen Gerard in my front door, I had cheered up. I really needed that. Having him with me was like breathing fresh air.

We arrived at the theater and came in. I felt comfortable there, but I noticed Gerard was nervous because his hand was shaking. I squeezed it a little and smiled kindly at him.

– I'm nervous – He admitted slightly laughing.

– Calm down – I said and pecked him on the lips.

I heard him sighing but I just rolled my eyes and carried him with me to where the other director, Merwan and Maeva already were.

– Hi Rylee – they both welcomed.

I smiled and slightly waved.

– Guys, I want you to meet Gerard. He's my boyfriend – I said.

Gerard waved awkwardly at them. They both welcomed him happily.

Since Gerard didn't talk French, I acted as a translator for him.

– We finally meet you – Maeva said to him excited.

– Yeah, I've been on tour – He replied slightly scratching his head.

We talked for a while, and Gerard also met Solal, Melissa and Diane.

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