Chapter 10: Viva Las Vegas

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The alarm clock woke me up. Rylee groaned and rubbed her eyes with one hand.

– Time to wake up – I said looking at her smiling.

She was beautiful even in the mornings. Actually, waking up next to her was a really good sensation.

– Can't we stay today? – she said burying her face in my chest.

I laughed.

– C'mon lazy girl – I said kissing the top of her head and getting up.

– Okay, okay... – she got up lazily and went to the bathroom with her clothes in her hands.

I changed in the bathroom that was downstairs and decided to make some coffee. She came not too much time later wearing a pair of white skinny jeans, a Misfits t-shirt and a pair of black converse. Her hair falling down her back.

We drank some coffee and then went out. I needed to pick my bag from my house so we went there before going to high school. Mikey was still there and saw me as I came in. Oh, well fuck. He raised an eyebrow.

– Where were you? – he asked.

I caught my bag that was in my bedroom and shrugged. He looked outside and saw Rylee waiting for me.

– Did you sleep with her? – he asked more interested.

– We're, Mikey – a smirk plastered on my face.

– Woah, congratulations bro! – he patted my back.

– Are you coming? – I asked from the door to him. He nodded.

We didn't tell the guys, but they saw us and immediately guessed it. Frankie made some jokes but everyone knew how he was so whatever.

*Skip some days*

I was really happy and sober. That was an important thing. I hadn't drunk since Rylee made me promise her I was gonna stop.

– Gee, are you with us? – Frank asked waving his hand in front of my face.

– Uh?...Oh yeah – I said blinking.


– I asked you if you're coming to New York with Ray and I this weekend – He rolled his eyes repeating what he said.

– Why do you want to go to New York? – I frowned tilting my head.

– Because there are some cool music shops – he replied tapping with his foot on the floor impatiently.

– So? – Ray asked sitting down after throwing his rubbish in a near bin.


– Neh, I don't have enough money for that – I shrugged.

Frankie rolled his eyes and turned to talk to Bob who was in front of him.

I took from my bag my sketching notebook and started drawing random things. I wasn't inspired that day, so after minutes trying to find something to draw, I ended up putting the notebook back in my bag.

– Hi guys – Rylee said as she and Mikey plopped down and took out their food.

Just in time.

– Hey – Frankie and Bob said before returning to their conversation.

Ray waved a little since he was listening to music with his ear buds.

– Hello – I said leaning a little bit on the table, bored.


– Sup with you? – Rylee asked before bitting her sandwich.

– Just bored – I shrugged.

We talked until the end of the break, then back to the last classes.

We made our way in silence to art; Rylee was in my class and I was glad for that, because having the two things I loved together usually cheered me up.

Rylee took my hand in her. I glanced at her, her frown turning into a smile.

– You've been thinking a lot today, uh? – the smirk never leaving her lips.

I slightly smiled.


– I guess – I replied. She half hugged me while walking.

– Well, I've been thinking too and was wondering if you want to do something this weekend – she looked up at me.

I frowned.

– Weren't you going with your parents to your grandma's house? – I questioned.

– Yeah, but they have decided to take my grandma to Las Vegas and I can't go with them since they think it isn't a place for a teenager – she rolled her eyes.

– So you're alone this weekend – I lifted an eyebrow thinking about having her house all for us.

She rolled her eyes smiling.

– Let's go, we'll be late – Ry caught my hand, carrying me to Art.

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