Chapter 17: When the pain reaches your soul

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I was so fucking scared.

A man called an ambulance while I tried to wake him up.

No no no, he couldn't be dead, he just couldn't. I started to cry. What could I do? Gerard was the love of my life, he was a person I would fight for till the end.



We went to the hospital. Frank, Ray and Bob came as soon as they could and joined me. My headache was worse than before if it was possible.

Frank asked the nurse if she could gave me anything and she did. At least I hoped the headache disappeared.

The doctor came with news about Gerard. He was “okay”.

With the accident, he'd lost half of his right lung. That meant he was gonna survive, but he wouldn't be able to sing again. At least not if anyone didn't give him half of his/her lung.


I woke up with pain in my chest. It was the most painful thing in the world.

I looked for a familiar face in that hospital room. I found Frankie asleep in an armchair next to my bed. No sign of the rest in there. I sighed and it hurt me so badly. What happened to me?

Frankie woke up because of my groan.

– Oh my god, you're alive! – he said and smiled at me.

– Yes, but what happened? – I asked. He frowned a little.

– You and Ry had an accident – he said. OMG, Rylee, was she okay?!

– Where's Rylee? – I asked nervous.

– Calm down, she's okay. She had to go but she's coming as soon as possible – I breathed in relief. Pain again.

Frankie stood up and said he was going to call the doctor. He gave me some medicine and I fell asleep again. Morphine?



I groaned as a doctor sewed my deepest cuts. I didn't want to be there, I wanted to be with Gerard. Ray was waiting for me outside the medical office.

When I walked out of that place, Ray and I made our way to the room where Gee was; Mikey and Frankie were already inside.

Mikey was sat in a chair, his head resting on the wall, his eyes closed. Frankie made a silence sign.

I walked as I could because I had a sewed cut in my leg and it hurt.


– How is he? – I bit my bottom lip caressing his cheek slightly. He had bruises all over his body.

– He has been awake for a while, but he was in pain – Frank murmured with his sleepy voice.

I glanced at him for a moment.

– Go home, I'll stay with him – he lifted his eyes to me and denied.

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