Chapter 54: Oh, well f*ck

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The phone rang and I practically jumped out of the shower and made my way to the living room to pick it up.

– Yeah? – I answered kind of breathless. 

– Hmm...excuse me, is this Gerard Way's number? – a woman asked.

– Yes, who are you? – I frowned, not recognizing her voice.

– I'm Lindsey Ballato, I'd want to talk to Gerard if he's there, please – she replied.

I looked at the clock. Gerard had gone jogging and was probably going to come back in fifteen minutes.

– He's not here right now, you can leave him a message and I'll give it to him when he's back – I told her.

– Oh...hmmm, just tell him to call me at this number, would you? – she asked.

– Of course, no problem, I'll tell him – I replied.

She thanked me, then said goodbye and hung out.

I put on some clean clothes and sat down on the couch, waiting for Gerard while reading one of my favorite books. At the same time I was wondering what could that woman...Lindsey want.
The sound of keys and the usual “hello” of Gerard informed me of his presence. I closed the book, left it on the couch and went to the kitchen, where Gee was drinking some water.

– Hey love – he said and pecked my lips.

– Hi – I smiled.

–A woman called Lindsey phoned half and hour ago, she wanted to talk to you – I said, sitting in a chair, keeping an eye on him.

He frowned, staring at the floor, what made me frown too.

–  Is there any problem? – I wondered, suddenly a little worried.

Gee lifted his eyes and looked at me.

– No, not really, or I think so. I'll call her later. I'm taking a shower now – he frowned again; then kissed my forehead and went to the bathroom.

I followed his figure with my eyes, wondering what was going on in his head; then sighed.


Lindsey calling me after all that time? That was something that made me feel uncomfortable. What could have happened to make her call me? I needed to call her but I didn't want Rylee to worry about it.
When I got out of the shower and put on some clean clothes I decided to call her. I picked up my phone and dialed her number.

– Hello? – She answered.

– Lindsey, hey, this is Gerard – I answered too.

– Oh, hi! I called before, I need to talk to you Gerard, it's about a serious...thing – she told me.

 I frowned. A serious thing? What could have happened?

– you want us to meet today? – I asked.

– Hmmm...that'd be nice – Lindsey said.

We decided to meet at the new coffee shop that was near her house at 4 pm.
When I told Rylee, she offered to come with me, but I told her not to come since I didn't know what Lindsey could want to tell me and she would feel uncomfortable with someone who she didn't know. Even when Rylee wasn't happy with that, she agreed and decided to hang out with Frankie and Mikey since Jamia had taken the girls to her parents house.

At 3:50 pm. I made my way to the coffee shop where we had to meet and sat down, waiting with a coffee in my hands. I needed a coffee in that moment more than anything.
Lindsey came in not too much later.

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