Chapter 63: Missing you

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Just finished it! Hope you like it and sorry for the delay



There was just one thing worse than being pretty far from your boyfriend, and it was being far from him when you were horny.

But, leaving that aside, I missed hugging Gerard too, and kissing him, and watching him sit down on the couch every morning with a cup full of coffee in his hands.

I was three months pregnant and hadn't seen my boyfriend since the tour started.

For sure I had a lot of company, but just having friendly people near wasn't enough when you were in a relationship with someone.

I ran a hand through my hair as I waited next to the actors; they were signing posters, t-shirts...That day I was really bored. I didn't want to be there; I just wanted to go home, get in bed and eat some cookies while I watched a movie. Mood swings.


I went out the club Frank had dragged me in and lita cigarette. I missed Rylee. I didn't want to be there watching Ray and Frank drink, I wanted to be with my girl and my future baby.

There were just a couple of shows left in the schedule before we had a break, and I was definitely going to go and visit them; and I would try to convince Rylee to come back with me to New Jersey.

– Gerard, everything's okay? – Ray wondered as his fro came into view.

– Yeah, just relaxing – I shrugged.

– If you need us, we're inside – he pointed hi finger in the club direction.

– Hey Ray – he turned around again to face me..

– Yup? – He asked.

– Do you think Frank and you can take a cab later? I want to go home – I questioned.

He stared at me for a few seconds and then nodded.

– Sure – he nodded and waved before going back inside.

I threw my cigarette to the floor and stepped on it before making my way to the front of the club and to my car.


When I arrived home, I took my laptop and looked if Rylee was online, but she wasn't. She was probably sleeping already.

I sighed and ran a hand trough my blond hair. I had thought about the possibility of dying it black or red again, but I couldn't decide which one.

I lay in bed, facing the ceiling, but soon decided to go and eat some cereal.

While I introduced a spoonful of cereal in my mouth, I stared at my new Russian hamster.

His name was Spike, and in that moment he was curled up, probably dreaming about food or something like that.

When I finished with my cereal, I put my bowl in the sink and the food back in its place before going back to bed and, that time, with the intention of sleeping.


The sound of my mobile phone woke me up. I took if from my nightstand and looked at it still half asleep. Gerard had sent me a message; he was going to come in a few days since they had a break up in their schedule.

I smiled widely, but soon fell asleep again with my phone still in my hands.

I woke up again two hours later and made my way to the kitchen, took an apple and went to the living room, sitting down on the couch.

I didn't know why I felt so tired, but since I refused to move from my spot on the sofa, I called the other director to tell him I needed a free day. He said it was okay, but didn't seem so pleased.

I spent most of the day lying on the sofa, and didn't feel any better. It was starting to worry me.

In the afternoon, Emilien decided to visit me. As soon as I opened the door, I returned to my spot on the couch.

– Hey, are you okay? – He questioned as he sat down next to me.

I shrugged.

– I'm awfully tired – I yawned.

He frowned.

– Do you want me to do something for you? – he wondered as he put a strand of my hair behind my ear.

I thought about it, but ended up shaking my head.


I woke up not knowing where I was, then realizing I was in the living room. The lights were off and my head rested comfortably on Emilien's chest. His eyes were closed and his breathing was calm.

I tried to stood up, but felt a horrible pain in my belly.

That wasn't good.

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