Chapter 61: It's complicated

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I had talked to my gynecologist and he had told me there was no problem in me taking a plane right then, but I had another thing that I had to talk with Gee...

Three months to finish the tour and to take a plane to go back to New Jersey. That could be dangerous for the baby.

And that was what I told Gerard.

– And what are you going to do? Staying there until the baby is born? – he questioned. I could feel the frustration in his voice.

– I don't know, Gee. I'm trying to figure it out too – I sighed.

– I can't go there, I'm still on tour, and then I have all the concerts settled down – he said.

– So, there are two options. Or I'll take the plane, or I stay here – I bit my finger nail.

We stayed in silence for what seemed ages but were just seconds.

– Is the risk very high? – he asked.

– I don't know, even the gynecologist doesn't know if it'll be safe or not – I scratched the back of my head.

– Hmm... – was his great answer.

I sighed heavily.

What was sure was that I was taking that plane to Russia. From that, we'd see what happened.


We went back to the tour bus after the show and the signing session. In seconds, all the guys had disappeared and I was left alone in the living area.

I sat down, knowing the shower was already occupied by one of the guys because I could hear the sound of the water running.

I turned around and looked outside the window, watching the couple of people that were still in the parking lot where we were parked and sighed.

I had been thinking about Rylee and the baby the whole day. Actually, I almost lost track of one of the songs I was singing on stage because of that.

She had taken the plane a few hours ago, and I was debating whether or not freaking out already.

– Sup, Gee – Frank plopped down next to me, his hair still wet.

I shrugged and told him what was running through my mind. At least I'd listen another opinion.

– Man, that sucks – he said, a frown decorating his face.

– Can't she ask for some holidays? – I shook my head.

– Rylee just came back from holidays, and she told me that she couldn't just leave like that – I ran a hand through my hair.

We talked, until the shower was free again and I decided to take a shower, maybe that would relax me, and I still felt sticky due the stage lights being on us during the whole set.

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