Chapter 34: From the bottom of my black little heart

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I came back from the kitchen with the popcorns ready for the movie and tilted my head curiously when Bob appeared in the living room.

– What did Gerard want? – I asked as he plopped down next to me.

– Nothing important – he replied taking some popcorns and introducing them in his mouth.

I shrugged and turned on the video.

<< Let's have a normal afternoon for once. I guess.>> I thought as I pressed the play button.


I parked in front of Cassidy's house and got out of the car; each step I took to her door seemed heavier.

After knocking, I waited patiently, repeating to myself that it was just a date and that nothing was happening between Bob and Rylee.

She opened the door smiling.

– Wait a minute – she said and ran to somewhere in her house.

– Sure – I replied looking at my phone.

– Okay, I'm ready – Cassidy appeared on the door again and closed it behind her.

I looked up and smiled kindly.

– You look good – I compliment.

<< Yeah, but I've seen Rylee more beautiful than that>> I thought to myself.

<< Okay, Gerard, stop thinking about Rylee and Bob. This is your date >> I groaned to myself.

– Thanks – she murmured as we went to my car.


We headed to a nice restaurant that I knew in town. It was quiet, which I thanked because I didn't want any fan around in that moment, and the food was great.

– So, I've heard you're going to be back singing soon – she commented.

– Uh?...Oh, yes, yes, I've been going to rehab and I'll be able to sing again soon without problems – I answered.

Gosh, I had to be careful, I was spacing out a lot.

But what could I do when all I could think about was Rylee and Bob. I imagined those two making out on the sofa while I was here, bored with a girl that I didn't love.


I hided behind a cushion when a scary part of the movie appeared on the screen. Bob laughed at me every time I did that, but when he stopped finding it funny he half hugged me, somehow making me feel better.

Never forget how beautiful you are (Gerard Way FF)Where stories live. Discover now