Chapter 59: Going to kill someone

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It felt so weird. If I looked back, I'd been through a lot of things, meeting people, not seeing them again...

All that situation made me think about the band. My band. I didn't really knew what had happened to them. We said we'd keep in touch, but...everyone has a life and we just weren't meant to be friends, I guess.

I suddenly had this thing in my chest, I missed the feeling of being in front of the crowd, holding the microphone and singing meaningful words. The signing after the shows...I missed everything. There were still people who stopped me and asked me to sign something for them or if they could take a photo. Those things made me forget that I no longer had 24 years but 32.

I couldn't help but smiling wide when I found my old album in a random box in the basement. All my memories were there.

There were photos of the guys and I back in high school, that photo of Gerard and I covered in paint, smiling like idiots at the camera, a photo Frankie and I took the day we went to see that hockey match...everything was there, even a photo of me wearing that horrible uniform I used to hate so much.

After everything that I'd been through, now I was thankful for having Frankie and his jokes back then, and the rest of the guys, and of course Gerard.

I wish everything was as easy as before. I wish I could just bury my head in my pillow and tell my parents I didn't want to go somewhere or to see someone. But it was that easy now. My parents were still alive, but I was an adult, and I had to stand up for what I wanted by my own.

So now I was there, standing with Emilien sitting in front of me, my phone in my ear and Gerard waiting for an answer to a question I was afraid to respond.

Was Gerard the right person for me? He had been with me most of my life. That was the problem. I got so used to him that I didn't see myself with anyone else, but maybe if I tried...

The question was: wanted I to try and find someone else?

Emilien raised an eyebrow as I stared at him.

– You know you want him – he said after a short period of silence.


He had heard the question because he had been so close to me I could say he was the one listening to what Gerard was saying.

– You don't have to if you don't want. Just remember that I want to be a part of the baby's life – Gerard spoke, breaking his silence too.

– I-I... – I opened my mouth, but couldn't articulate a word.

I mentally slapped myself and tried to calm down. In seconds, I tried to imagine a life where I had never met Gerard, and you know what? The feeling that filled my chest was so horrible that tears came to my eyes.

– Yes – I finally found myself saying.

– Yes? Yes what? – Gerard questioned.

– I want you back – I let the tears ran down my cheeks, but they were tears of joy.

– Are you serious? – he asked. I could feel his happiness through the phone.

– Never been more serious in my life – I replied.

That was pretty much the conversation. After that, we just talked about what we'd done during those lonely days.

Emilien had disappeared pretty much after I told Gerard that I wanted him back, and I could tell the smile he gave me that time was a sad one. But that didn't have much sense since he had been the one who had told me to follow my heart and tell Gerard what I felt.

That night, when I went to bed, the last thing I did before falling asleep was smiling to myself because of the butterflies in my stomach.


It's been two weeks since I found out and told Gerard that I was pregnant, and I had started having morning sickness. It was a pain in the ass, but I guess worth it.

Gerard called almost everyday to ask me how I was and how I was feeling since he was still on tour, and I was starting to get annoyed. I was glad he cared about me, but...let's just say he cared too much.

I got up from the theater seat and after talking to Matt about the lights, I turned around and saw Maeva and Melissa talking. I needed someone to talk to so I went to where they were.

– Heeey, mommy, what's up? – Melissa joked.

I rolled my eyes.

– Don't talk me about that. You know, only this morning, Gerard had called me three times – I rubbed my temple frustrated.

– Well, he's the father, he's on tour and wants to know how you are – Maeva said.

I stared at her with an eyebrow raised.

– Three times, only this morning, while I was brushing my teeth he was asking me how I was feeling and if I needed something – I sighed.

Melissa patted my shoulder and shrugged.

– And he had bought this book that talks about how to take care of a baby and the possible problems during the pregnancy. I swear if someone today talks to me about it again today I'll kill him/her – Maeva and Melissa slightly laughed.


Maeva pointed to somewhere behind me. I turned around and found Florent coming to us with a book in his right hand.

– Oh god – I said and turned around again.

– Hey Rylee, just thought you'd like to have this, I found it this morning in the book store – he said, then looked up at me to find me glaring at him.

I just lifted my hands in defeat and went to see if the rest of the cast needed some help with the play or something.


– What did I do? – I questioned, looking how Rylee went away.

– She's stressed because Gerard takes too much care of her – Maeva replied and patted my shoulder.


They both shrugged and went away, leaving me there, book in hand.

– Can't wait to see the mood changes – I mumbled to myself and sighed.

I scratched the back of my head.

What was I supposed to do with that book now?

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