Chapter 6: Sleeping is never a bad idea

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Rylee changed in the bathroom while I changed in my bedroom. Since she was sleeping with me I decided to wear a normal pajama; a pair of black pants and a My Chemical Romance t-shirt I did not too much time ago. The band was starting but one day it just came to my mind and I drew the logo.

I turned on my TV and zapped until my attention was caught by Rylee. She was wearing a black tank top and a pair of blue pants. She sat down next to me and looked at me.

– What are you watching? – she asked glancing at the TV and then back at me.

– Nothing, I was waiting for you – she smiled in a misunderstanding way.

– Are you tired? – I questioned.

– Not really, just a little – she shrugged and laid in my bed.

How many times could I have dreamed of her being here with me? Not in a creepy way.

I laid down next to her and looked into her eyes. She returned the look. I was lost in her beautiful eyes when she made a funny face and I couldn't help but laugh.

We watched some TV and then she started to fall asleep.

– You need to sleep, you're tired – I said as I covered her with the blanket. She smiled.

– I'm not tired – was she really saying that? She was practically falling asleep in front of me. I smirked.


– C'mon, I'm seeing you – I poked her nose. She smirked again and yawned.

– Maybe you're right – she covered her mouth while yawning.

– Yeah, just maybe – I laughed and covered myself with the blanket too.

She came closer and curled up next to me. I was lost in that moment. What was exactly that?

I looked at her to find her eyes closed. I breathed her sweet smell and decided it was time for me to sleep too. I turned off the TV and fell asleep with Rylee practically in my arms.


I woke up with Gerard by my side. I rubbed my eyes with one hand and looked at my watch to see it was only 7 am. I yawned and curled up next to him again.

I think I was falling for Gee.

He had a strange thing that made me kinda love him.

He passed and arm around my waist still asleep. He moved a lot and also spoke while sleeping. We were so close in that moment that I could feel his breath. The rhythm of his breathing was so relaxing...

I fell asleep soon again and was woken up by someone shaking my shoulder.

I opened one eye to see Gerard smiling to me. I frowned and buried my face in the pillow. He shook my shoulder again so I finally turned back and looked at him.

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