Chapter 69: Meeting her

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Sorry for the delay. As I said, I'm in college and I'm very busy, so I don't know when I'll update again; hopefully it'll be soon. Hope you all don't hate me by then :)




After that conversation with Frank and the other one with Gee, I patiently waited for Mikey to tell me or even just to mention that he was with someone,, but that didn't happen.

Gerard kissing my cheek brought me from my thoughts. I blinked twice and stopped chewing the end of the pen I'd been holding for like ten minutes.

– I'm going to the mall, do you need anything? – he asked as he went from one place to the other, searching for something.

– Nah, I'm just fine – I shrugged and left the pen and the notebook on the table that was in front of me.

– Okay, so I'll be back soon and then we'll talk about what's giving you a hard time – Gee told me, then pecked my lips.

– Why do you think something's bothering me? – I wondered.

– Because, sweetheart, we've been together for I don't even remember how long – I half smiled.

He knew me too well after all.

I tried to work a little more, but I kept thinking about Mikey not telling me that he had a new girlfriend. It wasn't that I wanted to gossip or something like that, but he had always told me everything, so I didn't understand why he was keeping that away from me.

I rubbed my temple and decided to make myself a cup of tea.


That day, I was visiting the guys at the theater; mostly because I missed them, but also because Mikelangelo had almost begged me to come over and help them with a song.

So, after Gerard came back and we talked about my insecurities towards my friendship with Mikey, Gee took the car keys and we went straight to the theater.

That was the longest time I had spent outside my house since the doctor told me I had to relax. Gerard didn't really agreed in me spending four or five hours outside, but I ended up convincing him. Like always.

I loved being with those guys, but being welcomed with the sentence “You are huge” wasn't the nicest thing in the world.

I just rolled my eyes and hugged everybody else, ignoring Mikelangelo's comments.

– So, do you know if it's a boy or a girl? – Maeva wondered smiling.

– Not yet, I have an appointment for this Friday – I replied.

As much as I enjoyed hanging out with them, they were there working, preparing themselves for a new tour.

I sat down in front of the piano and lazily rested my fingers on the keyboard. The music soon filled the room.

I actually missed singing. It had been so long...I sighed and continued playing, not really seeing where the problem was with that song.

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