Chapter 49: A fight and a sandwich

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I looked down at my computer. I was buying airline tickets to go back for two weeks to New Jersey. I took my cup of coffee and drank a little before leaving it on the table again.

Minutes later Gerard appeared in the doorway and went to sit next to me while scratching his mess of hair.

– Morning – I said as I continued searching for the right tickets.

– Morning – he yawned, plopping down on the couch and kissing my cheek.

– Are these tickets okay? – I wondered as I showed him the screen.

– I guess yes – he shrugged and rested his head on my shoulder.

– I made coffee – I said, looking down at him.

– Have I ever told you that I love you? – he replied.

I slightly laughed.

– Has Frankie come back? – I questioned as Gerard stood up and went to put some coffee in a cup.

– Don't know – He shrugged.

I decided the tickets were okay, so I bought them and then turned off the laptop. As soon as I left it on the table and Gerard sat next to me with a cup of hot coffee, Frankie emerged from the guest room, scratching his messy black hair.

– Hey Frankster – Gerard welcomed lifting his cup a little.

Frank just groaned in response and lay on the other couch. I rolled my eyes and turned the TV on.

– Turn that shit off! – He almost yelled, and covered his head with a pillow.

I looked at Gerard, he just shrugged as he sipped some coffee. I sighed loudly and stood up.

– I'm going to go for a walk, I might not come back to have lunch – I told them as I went to our room and caught some comfortable clothes.

As I took off my pajamas and put on the other clothes, the smell of coffee filled the room.

– Want some company? – Gerard wondered as he leaned on the door frame.

I lifted my eyes from my clothes and stared at him, thinking about if I needed some time for my own or not. I opened my mouth but was cut by the sound of my phone. I took it from the nightstand and saw I'd received a new message. Florent.

An hour later Florent and I were in the hospital's waiting room.

– How the hell did he break his hand? – I asked face-palming myself.

– He got into a fight – he scratched the back of his head and shrugged.

I sighed loudly.

– Can you both survive without me for an hour at least? – I asked rhetorically.


– Hey! That's not fair! I'm fine – he grumbled.

I opened my mouth but in that moment Mikelangelo walked out of the doctor's office with his hand plastered.


I wasn't exactly amused by the fact that Rylee was with Florent. At least I was fine knowing Mikelangelo was with them. Even when they were in the hospital. I was sorry for him, but I didn't trust Florent.

– Geeeeee stop it darn, my head is gonna explode – Frank whined for the third time. I looked at him.

– What am I doing now? – I groaned.

– You're scratching the sofa – he said with a pillow covering his face – I rolled my eyes.

– Why don't you go back to your bedroom if everything I do is going to annoy you? – I protested.

– Because I'm in the perfect position on the couch and I'm not moving – he replied.

I stopped scratching the sofa and decided I'd just read. I took one of my favorite books and sat back again in my previous spot, opening the book where I left it the night before.

It was amazing how reading, writing and drawing relaxed me in moments like those. When my phone rang, I realized two hours had already passed.

– Yes? – I answered it.

– Hey Gee, missed me? I'm with Mikelangelo and Florent in his house, I'll be back after dinner – Rylee said. I sighed.


– Okay, have a good time, I'll wait for you – I replied and after we both said 'I love you', I hanged out.

I didn't really have friends in that city, well, I had Frankie, but right then he was a whining midget that lay on the couch lifeless.

I ran a hand through my red hair and opened again the book I had on my lap.

– Gee, I'm hungry – Frank whined with his arm still covering his face.

– And? Go and eat something – I replied not looking up from the page I was reading.

– Can you make me a sandwich? – he asked.

– Do I look like a maid or something? – he took off his arm from his face.

– I won't reply to that – he said with a smirk decorating his lips.

– Fuck you, Frankster – I flipped him off.

There was moment of silence before Frank broke it again.

– Gee – he called me.

– What? – I spat.

– I still want that sandwich...

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