Chapter 44: Not again

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One quick thing. The video in the right is the official version for the song, but they did those videos later. Also, watch it and let me know if it's just me or one of the dancers looks like Andy Biersack.

Hope you enjoy the chapter!




I woke up still with Gerard's arms around me. I couldn't help but smiling. I didn't remember how much I loved those things. I stretched cautiously, trying not to wake up Gerard. I got up as I could and closed the door behind me when I exited the room.

Knowing Gerard, he would get up soon, so I prepared the coffee machine and pressed the bottom. The smell of coffee would wake him up if he hadn't already, and I knew he loved it.

I put on some clean clothes and, after making sure I had my mobile phone on, I left the house and headed to the theater.

It was 9:30 am when I arrived. Some of the actors arrived at the same time as me, others took their time.

That day we were practicing Salieri's song, what meant that Florent would be on the stage singing and acting. It was pretty difficult to help him or correct him when he didn't look at me and probably barely heard me.

After fifteen minutes of talking practically to my own, I refused to continue with that and told Matt (the other director) to continue with Florent. I decided I would start composing Mozart's songs, which meant having Mikelangelo with me all the time.

It was a bit difficult to concentrate when someone was staring at you, and that was what Mikelangelo was doing while I played the piano, so I told him to go and that I'd call him if I needed him.

After a while I decided to take a break, and headed back to the main area where the stage was. Florent was still there, singing the most important song of Salieri in the musical. It was called “L'Assasymphonie”.

I loved that song. I'd composed it specially thinking of how Salieri should feel and I had to admit that Florent reflected exactly that.

When he finished singing, Matt told him to take a break to drink some water and that stuff. I didn't know what was wrong with Florent, or what did I do to make him ignore me, but I was tired of people being angry at me without reason, so I just left it aside. Fuck that. I didn't have time for people that decided to act like children.

I went back to the room where the piano was, sat down, stretched my fingers and continued with the song I was writing before.

A knock on the door made me stop fifteen minutes later.

– Yes? – I questioned, not even looking up from the paper I was writing on.

– May I come in? – Florent asked in a perfect English.

– It's a free country – I replied.

– I want to talk to you – he said scratching the back of his head.

Now he wanted to talk?

– Yeah? And why should I listen to what you have to say? You've been ignoring me for two days – I said, lifting my eyes for the first time to look at him. He looked down.

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