Safe Travels (Part 1)

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Percy's POV 

My bag was only half packed and laying on my bed. I wanted nothing more than to stay here, with Annabeth. I didn't want to leave her side, especially like this. Her skin was getting whiter and whiter. The bags under her eyes were getting darker and darker. She was even loosing weight. 

I sat at the edge of my bunk, my head in my hands. It was too stressful. I was worried, and I hadn't slept much since the night she was bitten. Why? Why did it happen in the first place? You don't see much snakes where I live. Maybe... maybe it was planted. Maybe someone brought the snake to my home. Who would do that though? 

"Percy?" someone called out.

I look up. My sister is walking into the cabin, closing the door silently behind her. I could see Leo walking away through the window. 

"Are you okay?" Y/N asked, looking at me with a worried expression. 

"I..." I stopped myself. I was going to reply with a usual 'I'm fine', but that's not honest. I'm not okay. Things are so hard for me right now. I don't want to lose her. It was hard enough being apart from her for months. I can't imagine losing her forever. "I'm not."

Y/N smiled a bit, and walks up to me. She grabs my hands and pulls me up from my bunk, embracing me. She rubs my back gently. "That's okay. Things are hard right now. It's okay not to be okay." 

I feel tears brim the edges of my eyes. I hug her back and close my eyes tightly. The pain I'm feeling right now is terrible. Worse than anything I've felt before. 

"After this mission, we will get that antidote and finally bring Annabeth back to health." Y/N pulls away from the warm embrace and looks at me, wiping my tears away with her thumb. "Now, go to sleep. You haven't slept in a while and you need your energy for the trip. I'll pack your bags for you, okay? Nico will come later to discuss the plan" 

I nod, grateful that I have my sister here with me to help me out. I move to another bunk in my cabin and tuck in, closing my eyes. Things will get better. I just know it. 

Jordan's POV 

Once I had everything packed from the Hermes Cabin, I headed towards the Hephaestus Cabin. Leo was walking with me, carrying another bag of belongings for me. He kept talking about a few cabin rules, some neat kinks to the cabin, and how Bunker 9 was where he hung out a lot. I partially listened to him, staring at the ground as he bragged about his giant metal dragon. The other part that wasn't listening though, was remembering the terrified screams from earlier. 

When I had walked past the infirmary earlier, I saw many people getting there arms, legs, and stomachs wrapped. They had had burn marks from my breakdown. 

It took a little bit to realize that Leo had stopped walking. I turned around and was shocked by his worried expression. He moves closer to me and takes the things I was holding from my hands and places them onto the ground gently. He grasps my hands, looking me directly in the eyes. 

"Stop blaming yourself." 

 I sucked in a breath. "But... if I had just kept it together... no one else would've gotten hurt." 

"When I was little, Jordan, I did the same thing," Leo said. I simply stare and listen. "I burned down my mothers workshop with my mother in it. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't regret it. It's a terrible feeling. I can't imagine doing that to a whole camp, so I can't tell you fully that I understand, but I can tell you right now, that you're aren't alone. I'm here with you now." 

I feel it. That warmth. That reassurance. That ping of love. I feel it. It's fuzzy, and bright. Leo. My brother. Leo. Finally, a person who cares about me. He cares about me. 

I smile and wrap my arms around him, taking in that warmth he radiated. His hands caress my hair and at this moment, I feel safe. 

"Now, let's go get you settled in, okay?" Leo said, pulling away. I nod. He grabs all my things and heads to the Hephaestus Cabin.

Just as I am about to follow him, a blond guy with dashing, icy blue eyes waves at me. I wave back. His smile is bright, like he's delighted that I acknowledged him. He was wearing a blue jacket with white jeans. Engraved on the back of his jacket was a name, I think. 


That's weird. Where have I heard that before? And now that I think about it... why is he familiar? 

"Jordan, c'mon!" Leo shouted, stopping to wait for me to catch up.

"Coming!" I replied back. Before I ran to Leo, I try sneaking another glance at the blond, but..

he's not there anymore. 


Sorry it's a short chapter. Guys, I finally got a prophecy~! Huge shout out to @0tinkerbells0 for helping me! It was so nice of you, man, greatly appreciate it. My English teacher really sucks, so chapters are reallllyyy slow. I'm so sorry :(( 

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