Save Travels (Part 2)

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Y/N's POV 

After finally packing up all of mine and Percy's belongings, I sat down comfortably in my bunk. I took a glance at Percy and saw that he was peacefully sleeping, a slight snore escaping his mouth. I smiled softly. 

It makes me happy to know I have someone that'll always watch my back and won't allow me to steal half bitten donuts from the garbage can of a random donut shop. Percy being my brother was the greatest blessing the gods could've given me. Suddenly, I'm also reminded of the moment I had earlier with Leo. I was embraced in his warmth and I felt so safe, so loved. Finally, after so long, I'm home. I'm home with people who care, who love, and who see me. 

~Time Skip (Brough to you by Seaweed Brain)~

Jordan's POV 

Since all my things were packed, I was practically ready to go. Leo, on the other hand, had a ton of things to bring. I swear this man might as well have brought the entire cabin. He brought trinkets, tools, first-aid, clothes, bathroom supplies, more clothes, more tools, extra trinkets, and a bunch of other stuff I couldn't even name. At one point, he tried bringing a metal dragon head. 

"Why are you bringing so much? How long are we staying there?" I asked.  

"Um... a month?" he responds, still trying to tie the dragon head to his suitcase. "But I guess that will also change depending on your progress." 

"If I do well, we'll be able to come back sooner?" I questioned. He throws up a thumbs up, not taking his eyes off of his task. 

I sit down on a random bunk. Everyone was out doing camp activities, so we had the cabin to our self. When I was first invited into the Hephaestus cabin, people were kind. They welcomed me like I hadn't just burned half of the forest. They held smiles on their faces, there was kindness in their voices, and I felt pretty good. For a little bit, I hadn't felt guilty. 

But then, later on into the night, I heard people whispering. They must've thought I was sleeping. 

"I heard Loui is still in the infirmary. He had like four degree burns," someone whispered. 

"I can't believe it. A lot of people were burned. Do you think he did it on purpose?" another voice asked. 

"Maybe he wanted to cause a scene on purpose," the other person suggested. 

"Mm, I don't know. He seems so nice," a third voice commented. 

"Still, we should be careful around him," the first voice said.

I didn't sleep the whole night after that. During the episode, I couldn't hear or feel anything else but myself. I honestly barely remember the event. I just remember feeling hurt, pain, and anger. Everything came out at once. It felt good after until I realized I hurt people. 

"Hey, I'm good now, ready to meet up with Percy and Y/N?" Leo asks, taking me out of my head.

"Oh, oh yeah," I respond. We grab all our things and head out of the cabin to go to the Big House.

*Y/N's POV*

I sat beside Percy and Nico in Cabin 3. We were all waiting for Jordan and Leo to go over how things were going to work out. We all had about less than a week to help Nico get everyone he needed to conjure Pan for the cure that'll help Annabeth. 

"You okay, Perce?" Nico asks. Despite finally getting some sleep, Percy still looks beat up. Before Nico came, I'm sure he was crying in the bathroom. "You know you can stay here with Annabeth while we go get everyone?" 

"No, it's okay. I want to help," Percy responds. 

"Are you su-" Before Nico can finish his sentence, Jordan and Leo knock on the door. 

I get up to answer it. Both of them come in with their things. Leo seems to be struggling with trying to get all his things through the door. He literally tied a dragon head to his suitcase. 

"Are you seriously bringing that?" Nico asks, giving him a 'wtf' look. 

Leo looks at everyone. "Yeah, of course." 

Nico shakes his head. "Ehm, okay. Anyway, so everyone's packed and ready to go right?" 

We all nod our head. Leo pats his dragon head, slightly pouting at how everyone was almost making fun of him earlier. 

"Okay, cool," Nico says. "So the plan is that Percy will leave to go get Rachel, Y/N will get Grover, and I will get Hazel. On my way to get Hazel, I'll drop Leo and Jordan off at the Underworld."

"Who would've thought someone would casually say that," Jordan murmurs. 

Nico stops and looks at him. "What?"

"Yeah, just casually gonna drop me off to the Underworld, woo," Jordan says sarcastically. For a second, no one laughs. But then I hear Percy giggle behind me. We all turn to him and see that he's holding in his laugh. 

Nico smiles and that's when everyone breaks out into laughter. I look at Leo, who's on the floor holding his stomach. Jordan is on the floor with him, covering his face with his hand. Percy is leaning his head back.

Things are hard right now, but moments like these are the best. 

*Time Skip brought By Me, who else?*

Nico and Jordan were getting their luggage all together. There was a pack thing that Nico had managed to tie to Mrs. O'Leary so that she could carry their things. Leo was upset cause the dragon head was too heavy, so he couldn't bring it. Percy was getting his car ready to head out. Right now, I was waiting with Leo so he could get his suit case situated. 

I sat on his bunk and watched him as he focus on untying the dragon head. He was focused. Apparently, the knot he did was extremely tight. His curls fell neatly on his eyes. Guess he was bothered by it, cause he blew it away. He looked up for a second, back at the knot, then back at me. 

"Is there something on my face?" he asks. He turns towards a mirror and checks his face for anything abnormal. He turns back to me. "Why are you looking at me?"

"Cause you're handsome, Fire Boy," I respond. 

He just stares for a second before slightly smirking. "Well if I'm so handsome, why don't you kiss me?" 

I laugh and so does he. "I'm just kiddin-"

I stand up and gently grab his face before connecting my lips with his. I can feel the slight tension melt away as he pulls me closer, using the belt loops of my jeans. He trails one hand up to my waist and the other is holding my left hand that's on his cheek. 

Slowly, we pull away, our faces on even an inch apart. I can feel his lips brushing against mine as he speaks. 

"What was that?"

"A nicer way of saying safe travels, I guess," I reply. 

He giggles then goes in for another. 


GUYS okay i'm so sorry for keeping everyone waiting for so long. Honestly, things have been crazzzzzzzzyyyyyyy. But I'm really going to try as hard as I can to keep the chapters going. I love reading everyone's comments. 

14.8K?? Insane. Y'all are insane. I love you guys so much, thank you for being patient. 

Mwuah, have a good day :D 

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