Percy Jackson and Salty Little Girl

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Your POV 

Once you and Leo reached the dining pavilion, Leo left you. He was handed a plate of food by some really pretty girl and he smiled at her. You saw that he threw some of the food on his plate in a pit of fire and went to sit down at a table with some pretty bulky kids. 

You were confused. 

A different girl gave you a plate, even though you weren't sitting down anywhere. You decided to do what Leo did and throw some food in the fire since there seemed to be a lot of people doing it. You tried looking for a place to sit. Lots of the tables were crowded. There was only a few that weren't. 

You saw a black haired boy eating a hamburger and fries with a weird looking blue drink. He was by himself. You passed a few tables, occasionally bumping people, before sitting in front of the boy. 

"H-Hello," you said. The boy looked up at you, surprised and a little bit confused. "I'm Y/N."

"Um.. hi," he said. His eyes were a surprising sea green. "Are you new to camp or something because-"

"Yeah, I'm new," you replied, cutting him off mid sentence. "What's your name?"

"Percy, Percy Jackson," he responded, stretching his hand out to you. You shook it gently and smiled at him. "When did you get here?"

"About an hour ago," you said, taking a small bite of the alfredo pasta you were given. "I'm guessing you've been here a while though?" 

"Yeah, I've been here since I was eleven," Percy said through a mouth full of fries. He gulped it down with some of the blue drink. "You know, you're not supposed to be here."

You widened your eyes. "What?" 

"Yeah, you're supposed to be somewhere else," Percy said as he took a bite of his hamburger.

"What do you mean? Those guys, Kevin and Jayden said this was a place f-for demigods!" you stated, looking at Percy nervously. 

He looked at you and laughed. "No no no, I mean you're not supposed to sit here!" 

"What? Why not?" you asked, calming down a bit and taking another bite of your food. 

"Because this is the Poseidon table. New kids are supposed to sit with Hermes kids." Percy pointed at a very crowded table with lots of kids. They were all laughing and throwing things at each other. Two boys, who you were assuming were twins, were slipping something into another guys drink. 

You scrunched your nose. "Ehm... can't I break the rules this once? I can just use the fact that I'm new." 

"I mean, I guess," Percy replied, chuckling slightly. 

"You scared me by the way," you mumbled. " I thought you were saying I wasn't supposed to be at this camp."

You took a bite of your pasta bitterly. Percy laughed. 

"It's not funny!" you declared angrily. 

"Relax, salty little girl!" Percy exclaimed in-between breaths. 


Once everyone was done with their food, everyone headed to the amphitheater. Percy told you it was a thing to go to a camp fire after dinner and sing songs. 

Even though you wanted to listen to some music and relax by a fire, Percy told you you had to see Chiron, the camp director. So he led you to the big blue house you saw earlier. 

"This is the Big House," Percy exclaimed, spreading his hands and walking backwards to face you. 

"I see that," you said, looking up at it.

Percy led you up the porch steps and there you see a pretty old man sitting in a wheelchair. He was reading a book about famous architecture. 

"I see you're reading the book Annabeth gave you, Chiron," Percy said. Chiron turned around and smiled at Percy before looking at me. Percy followed Chiron's gaze and smiled. He faced Chiron again. "This is Y/N. She's new. Kevin and Jayden helped her get here."

"Leo Valdez helped too," you added quietly. 

Percy turned to you. "Leo helped you too?" 

You nodded. 

"Seems like his tracker thing worked then," Percy noted. He turned his attention back to Chiron. 

"Well, I'm sure Kevin and Jayden have filled you in a bit, correct?" Chiron asked, turning his wheelchair towards us and placing his book on his lap. 

"Yes, sir," you replied, a little nervous. 

"Please, call me Chiron," he said, smiling softly. You felt yourself relax a little. "Until you are claimed by your godly parent, you will be staying at the Hermes cabin. No going out at night, or the harpies will eat you." 

"Ehm.. okay then," you said. You weren't very comfortable with staying at the Hermes cabin since there was so many people, but you decided not to argue. 

"Take her to the Hermes cabin, will you Percy?" Chiron ordered. 

"Yes, sir." Percy turned around and motioned for you to follow him. 

You waved goodbye to Chiron and saw him leave his wheel chair, his bottom half being a white horses butt. You quickly turned around, absolutely shook. 

"H-He just," you stammered as you and Percy walked. 

"Oh yeah, Chiron is a centaur," Percy declared. He looked at you and saw the expression on your face. He laughed so hard, he had to stop to catch his breath. "Y-Your f-face!!!" 

"PERCY!" you yelled angrily. You cheeks were red from embarrassment. 

"Chill out!" Percy said, wiping his eyes. "Salty little girl." 

"I'm not a little girl and I'm not salty," you replied, crossing your arms. 

"You just proved my point," Percy said as you two walked up the steps to a cabin. "This is the Hermes cabin.

You knocked on the door and a blonde haired boy opened it. 

"Hey, Ian, this is Y/N," Percy said, putting his hand on your shoulder. "She's new."

"Oh ok," Ian said, looking at you. "I'm Ian. Nice to meet you. I'll get you a sleeping bag. Come on in."

You waved Percy goodbye as he walked away to blue cabin a little bit farther from this one. You went inside. Ian gave you a F/C (favorite color) sleeping bag. You found an empty spot on the floor and laid it down. You saw as more and more kids were coming from the camp fire. Soon enough, the place was crowded. 

You decided to go outside once more before it was time for bed. You sat down on the steps. Only a few people were outside. Some people were putting guitars and other small instruments in their cabin. Other kids were starting to close their cabin doors. 

Then you looked up and saw him again. 

It was Leo Valdez. 

His hair was wet and he was wearing black sweatpants and a large white tee. It seemed like he had just taken a shower. He was fixing something on his door before he got up. Just as he was about to close it, his eyes met yours. 

Instantly, you could see the guilt. You got up and his eyebrows rose a little. He seemed a little anxious. He looked around, as if he worried someone was looking. 

You wanted to go over there and talk to him. You wanted to ask him why he was so set on ignoring you and pretending like he didn't know you. But before you could, someone from inside the Hermes cabin called you. You turned around and took one last glance at Leo. 

Then, at the same time as him, you closed the door. 

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