Handsome in French

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Your POV

"Do I need to bring anyone else, father?" a male voice said. It sounded young, musical. 

"No, no one else," someone responded. They sounded harsh. Evil. "Just three. But if you want, you can bring all six. That would be the real jackpot."

"Yes, father," the other voice replied. 


You nearly jumped out of your chair when you woke up, being shaken vigorously by the shoulder. You looked up and see Jordan. He seemed a little worried.

"I'm up, I'm up," you said, shrugging her off. "What's wrong?" 

"That boy you found yesterday. He woke up and started asking for you," Jordan said. His nervousness was apparent. He kept ruffling his hair and picking at his ears with his nails. "He kept telling me to get you." 

"Are you okay? What were you even doing in the infirmary?" you asked, swinging your feet off the bed and getting up. 

"Oh yeah, I was checking on Nico," he said, a little embarrassed. "He broke his arm when we were playing capture the flag." 

"How? Is he okay?" you asked, grabbing a F/C tee shirt and jeans. 

"He got knocked down when he shadow traveled somewhere," Jordan responded, turning around and allowing you to change. You slipped on the shirt and jeans, also getting a pair of socks. "Someone hit him with the side of their sword." 

"Oh, I see," you said. You grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of the cabin before Percy could wake up, who was still sound asleep. "Seems like you two are close."

Jordan blushed a little as you two walked to the infirmary. "Anyway, that boy. He kept asking for you, like I said before. He was so aggressive. It scared me." 

"Why would he ask for me? He was unconscious the whole time, wasn't he?" you asked, letting go of Jordan's wrist. He tugged on the hem of his black hoodie as soon as you let go. 

"I guess not," he mumbled. "I'm still a little shaken. I don't like being yelled at." 

You placed a hand on her shoulder. "You'll be fine."

When you and Jordan reached the infirmary, you stepped inside. Jordan walked closely behind you, twirling his hoodie strings with his fingers. You looked past all the empty beds and saw the blonde boy again. He was sitting up, reading a book. He was just as beautiful as you remembered yesterday. 

Jordan passed you and sat beside Nico, who was asleep. His arm was in a cast. You walked towards the blond boy. He looked up at you, his eyes an icy blue. You sucked in a breath, shocked by the wonderous look he gave you. You pulled a seat beside him and sat down. 

"Hello," you said. "Are you feeling better? Do you remember what happened?"

The boy closed his book and placed it gently on his lap, turning all his attention to you. You bit your lip nervously. 

"I'm fine," he said. His voice sounded familar, but you couldn't put your finger on it. It was musical, young. "I only remember you. What's your name?"

"Uh, Y/N," you replied. "I'm the daughter of Poseidon." 

His eyes flashed with an emotion you couldn't quite recognize because it went away so quickly. "What's yours?"

"Beau," he responded, giving you a small smile. "It means handsome in French." 

No kidding. 

"Why did you ask for me?" you asked.

"Well, I woke up in an unknown place and you were he one who saved me," he said. You could see Jordan watching you both out of the corner of his eye. "I was hoping you'd be able to give me some answers. Especially since you said you're the daughter of Poseidon." 

"Oh, yeah," you said. You began to explain to him about Camp Half-Blood and about the Greek gods. For some reason, he seemed to be taking it a lot better than you anticipated. He was calm, nodding every once and a while. 

When you finished, he just smiled and asked, "So when do you think I'll be claimed?" 

"I'm not sure." You took another quick glance at Jordan, who still seemed worried. Something was off. You quickly looked away from him and moved your eyes back to Beau. "Maybe tonight, during the camp fire." 

"Oh, alright." He removed the blanket and placed his book on the nightstand beside his bed. His moved his legs off the bed. "Is there any clothes I can change into?"

"Sure, I'll grab a nurse." 

You got up and walked out to grab an Apollo kid. Before you left the infirmary room, you could see Beau staring directly at Jordan. He was looking away, tapping his legs rapidly. 


You and Beau were walking around the camp. Beau was dressed in a camp sweatshirt and jeans, curtesy of Will Solace. You showed and explained everything to him. He seemed half interested, occasionally looking away and going into space. Just at the end of the tour, you led him to all the cabins.

"Since you haven't been claimed yet, you'll be staying in the Hermes cabin," you told him, motioning towards the Hermes cabin. He looked at you and nodded. "My cabin is right there." 

You pointed your finger at Cabin 3. He looked at where you were pointing and smiled a little. 

"Hey, Y/N!" you heard someone call behind you. Both you and Beau turned around. You could see Leo Valdez running towards you. His white long sleeve was smeared with oil and grime. His black shorts were also soaked in the same thing. He stopped right in front of you, glancing at Beau, then back at you. "Can we talk?" 

"Um." You looked at Beau. "Do you think you'll be okay from here?"

"Sure," he said. "But will I see you during dinner?"

"Of course," you replied. "I'll meet you at my cabin?" 

He nodded his head and headed to Cabin 11. You turned back to Leo and saw that he was breathing pretty heavily, obviously tired. 

"Can we talk somewhere private?" he asked, fiddling with his thumbs nervously. "Please?"

You sighed and crossed your arms. You turned your back and started walking towards the Poseidon cabin. You could hear him shuffle quickly beside you, putting his hands behind his back. When you two entered the cabin, you quickly looked over at Percy's bunk, which was empty. Thank goodness. 

"So, what do you want to talk about?" you asked. 

"I just," Leo started, looking down, "I was going to talk to you yesterday, but then pretty boy showed up, and you went to him. Then you apologized, then I apologized, and we hugged, and I didn't want to just say sorry, you know, that would be kinda lame. I wanted to explain everything you, because the thing is, I was pretending not to know you 'cause I was scared. I almost burned you like three times when we were kids, and I didn't want that happening again, so of course I just acted stupidly. I should've considered how you felt. It was totally--"

You cut him off by hugging him. You felt tears run down your cheeks when you closed your eyes rightly. "It's okay, I forgive you. I just want my best friend back." 

Leo held you tightly too, putting his cheek on your head. "I'm back, Clownfish. And I'm not going to leave again. I promise." 

You looked up at him and laughed. He wiped your eyes with his thumb, chuckling slightly too. Then his eyebrows rose and he smiled sheeplishly. 

"I- uh," Leo stuttered. 

"Did you get grime on my face?" you yelled, wiping your cheek and pulling away from him. "Leo!" 

"It was an accident!" Leo yelled, putting his hands up. 

"You're so dead." 

Leo gulped and then quickly ran out of the cabin, with you on his tail. 


I would just like to say one thing. Yes, I am Jordan lmao

That's not my real name, but like everything else is accurate to me. So yeah. WE'RE GONNA BE BESTIES!! (ok i'm sorry i'll stop) 

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