The Prophecy

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(Y/N's POV)

It was hard 'hanging up' on Leo (if that's what you can call it, still not used to the whole Iris message thing.) Percy suggested adding another drachma for five more minutes, but I wanted to keep some on hand in case something were to happen. 

"Alright N/N (nickname), Rachel told us to just meet her up at her dorm," Percy called behind me. 

The car was parked at a gas station with a hose and towels to wash your car. Along with those window wiper thingies. Percy decided it'd be nice to pick up some nice things for Rachel, like snacks, before asking her to conjure a dead God. Nothing like a snickers bar and a 'Hey, wanna help me bring Pan back from the dead not dead?' on a casual afternoon. 

I put the hose back and walk over to the car. Percy was in the drivers seat smiling at a couple of photos. I slip into the passenger seat and look at the square polaroids in his hands. 

"For our anniversary, she wore this really nice light blue sundress. She had this blue makeup look that probably took forever," Percy says as he looks at a photo of Annabeth wearing the exact thing he was describing. A small smile forms on his lips. "She took me to this amazing aquarium that had a crazy big tank. There was a whale shark in it. She was really nice. She offered to hide me and Annabeth in the tank with her so we could swim when the place was closed. So, we did. I shifted the water so we had a little dry spot to ourselves, hidden in the depths of the aquarium. We played cards, cuddled, kissed. It was... great. When the place finally shut down, she swam around the tank. She kept talking about how great it was to breathe underwater. 'I love having a fish boyfriend,' she kept saying." His smile fades. "I don't know what I would do without her." 

I look away from the photo and at Percy. His eyes are watering and it's obvious he's trying hard to hold them back. I grab his hand, squeezing it a bit, a small gesture to draw him to look at me. A small sigh escapes his mouth and he looks up. 

"Annabeth would lose her mind if she found out your were crying like this," I tell him. "In the short time I've known her, it's obvious she is a fighter. It's also obvious she loves you. She's not going down so easily. She'll survive, not just for herself, but for you as well." 

The corner of his lip turns up a bit.

"Yeah, you're right." 


The school was not what I was expecting. From everything I've heard about Rachel, this was definitely the last thing I'd expect.

Clarion Ladies Academy is a finishing school that Rachel's father wanted her to go to. The school, on the outside, looked like a freaking mansion. It had a huge clock tower. What school needs a clock tower like that? Everyone checks the time on their phone. The girls roaming the campus wore preppy uniforms and held themselves with such poise, I was starting to question Percy's description of Rachel. 

"Yeah, I know," Percy said, as if his demigod powers included mind reading. Which I guess technically is thing. Am I a sea animal? "If you told me Rachel was here, I'd probably laugh in your face." 

"Alright, do you know where she is?" Grover asked, reaching in the backseat for his cane. I end up just handing it to him after watching his fingers slip and slide around the handle. 

"She said she would-"

Two hands slam against the window to my right and I jump back with a scream. "HOLY SHIT! WHAT THE FUCK!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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