Fourth Of July Bonus Chapter! (Plus, Leo's Birthday)

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***This chapter has nothing to do with the book, it's simply a bonus chapter***


Leo's POV

I slip on my white tee shirt, putting my suspenders on top. I look at myself in the mirror and fix my hair, trying to tame it a little. When my curls bounced back, I decided to just leave them alone. My jeans were already dirty, a few smears of grime on my knees and thighs.

"Dang it," I mumbled to myself. "I haven't worked all day, how did that even get there?"

I sighed and checked the watch on my wrist. It was almost time for me to meet Y/N. I smiled at the thought of her.

Today was the Fourth of July. We decided to celebrate together. I was going to take her to a secret spot that I knew. My mom used to take me there when I was little. It had the best view of the fireworks. It was so close, it was almost as if you could touch it.

I grab my khaki colored boots, which I made sure to clean yesterday, and slipped them on. I looked at my watch once more.

It's time, I thought.

I smiled at myself in the mirror and gave my self a thumbs up.

I walked out of my cabin. Everyone had already left with their families to celebrate. Of course, some kids stayed behind. Chiron had something special for them.

I headed to the Poseidon cabin. I stopped in front of the door and took a deep breath, trying to compose my excitement. I knocked on the door three times.


I look at myself in the mirror once more. I was wearing (outfit you would wear for a Fourth of July date with Leo Valdez, lmao) and (shoes of your choice). I looked good for the most part. I adjusted my hair and smiled.

Then, I heard three knocks on my door. I quickly turn to Percy, who was dressed in a blue tee and black jeans, paired with converse. He was going to spend Fourth of July with Annabeth and his mom, but he wanted to see me off before he left. Something about making sure Leo knew the rules.

"How do I look?" I asked, twirling and then looking at him nervously, biting my lip.

"You look beautiful, Y/N, relax," Percy replied, putting his sword. He was sharpening it. Also something he said he had to do for Leo. "If anything, you look too beautiful. Make yourself ugly so Leo doesn't try anything."

I roll my eyes and walk to the door. When I open it, I immediately feel a smile spread on my face. There he was, with his dirty pants and messy, curly hair. He was bouncing on the balls of his feet and twiddling his thumbs nervously. When he saw me, he froze.

He looked at me up and down. His face was a bright red and I could see smoke beginning to form on top on his head.

"You look-," Leo began, but was cut off by Percy saying, "Beautiful, yeah she knows. I told her."

Leo looked at Percy and smiled sheepishly. I turned to Percy, who was standing beside me to my left. He had his arms crossed and he glared at Leo, tapping his finger slowly on his bicep.

"So where are you taking her?" Percy asked suspiciously.

"Oh, that's a surprise," Leo responded, looking at me and giving me a small grin, followed by a wink.

I giggled. Percy noticed this and snapped his fingers at Leo. "Hey, look at me, Valdez."

Leo, a little surprised, turned back to him. "S-Sorry."

"You know what time to bring her to my place, right?" Percy questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, sir." Leo took a quick glance at me, too quick for Percy to notice.

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