Just A Hellhound

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(Y/N's POV) 

I would've fallen asleep again, but Percy kept nudging me every time I was close to dozing off. Apparently, we're almost at the hotel Grover was staying at, but I swear we've been driving for the past thirty minutes. 

"You seriously won't let me sleep right now?" I mumble, annoyed by yet another nudge from Percy. 

"Oh stop complaining. I already said we're almost there," Percy replied.

"You said that thirty minutes ago!" I say exasperatedly. 

"Yeah well..." Percy pauses and lick his lips, "That's cause I keep getting lost." 

I turn to him. He must've noticed the way I snapped my head at him because he also looked my way. 

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Percy asked. He furrowed his brows and quickly turned back to the road. "You look like you wanna kill me, and trust me, I've seen that expression way too many times. Not very pleasant from my little sister." 

"Maybe 'cause you won't let me fuc-"  I was cut off by the car abruptly stopping and hauling me forward. I would've hit my nose on the dashboard if I didn't have my seatbelt on. "HEY!" 

"Well, won't you look at that, we're here!" Percy exclaimed. "Golly, what a stop! That's my bad, man, I should've really... I should've..." Percy paused to look at me and gulped. He chuckled nervously. "Eheh, umm..."

My eyebrows rise with surprise when I notice a face on Percy's window. He notices my expression change and turns. The person smiles and Percy yelps, shaking the whole car. The person furrows their brows in confusion and backs away from the window. 

"Oh wait," he says. "It's Grover." 

I roll my eyes and smack the back of his head, muttering, "Won't let me sleep and doesn't even recognize the guy we're meeting. Fucking idiot." 

"Hey!" Percy turns to me and pouts. This makes me realize I might've been a little mean. 

"Okay okay, sorry," I apologize, rubbing the spot I hit. "But it's kinda what you get for not letting me sleep. 

"Wow, what an apology," Percy said. 

Both of us jump again when we hear banging on the window. Grover is shouting too, but his words are muffled. Percy turns down the window and Grover jumps in quickly. Right as his feet go in, a large black dog with a wide-open mouth zooms past the car. 

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" I shout. 


Percy doesn't argue and brings the window up. Just as he is about to start driving, the dog scratches at my window, hurting us with the unpleasant sounds of claws dragging down the glass.

"GOD, HURRY UP PERCE!" I shout, shoving my body farther away from the window as Grover shoves himself in the backseat.

Percy stomps his foot down on the pedal and we jolt forward. Grover grunts as he falls into the crack between the back and front seats. The dog behind us growls and I swear, for a second, that I feel the ground shake.

"Is someone going to tell me what that is? 'Cause I know damn well that is not some neighbor's lost dog," I say, switching my gaze between Percy and Grover.

"That, sis, is a hellhound," Percy responds.

I furrow my brows. "A hellhound?"

"Yup. Pretty easy to fight off if you know what you're doing, but their breath is pretty hard to tolerate," Percy comments. He takes a peek behind us now and then and when he can't see the red eyes anymore, he slows down. "Okay, well. Hey Grover, how was helping the kids and their mom?" 

Grover wipes his sweaty hands on his goat legs. "Oh good, their mom wasn't surprised. I guess she's clear-sighted." 

"Oh that's cool," Percy muttered. 

I raise my eyebrows. "Wow, you guys just totally had a regular conversation after almost getting killed. Oh yeah, those scratches on the window? Just a hellhound." 

I cross my arms and slouch back in my seat. I didn't realize how tense I was from that till I let myself fully relax. 

"Anyway, am I allowed to sleep now?" I question. 

"Sure." Percy smiles at me. "Grover, pass me that sweater will you?" 

Grover grabs a blue hoodie and Percy takes it, placing it over me. I give him a quick smile and close my eyes. 


Pretty un-climatic chapter, but I just wanted a fill. 

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