The Scene Shifts

622 20 16

Leo's POV 

After eating a nice meal, Nico, Jordan, and I each took turns freshening up in the bathroom. We each changed into some new clothes, brush our teeth, wash our hair, and did some other personal hygiene. 

The sun was beginning to set and there was a noticeable amount of clouds flooding the sky. Our initial plan was to sleep on Mrs. O'Leary's back, but due to the weather, we decided to go to a small motel down the street. Nico was real set on bringing Mrs. O'Leary with us, but I'm sure half the room would be taken up by that huge hound. Jordan almost cracked a smile at the disappointed look on his face but kept it to himself because we both knew he would be more upset than he already is for making fun of him. 

Jordan decided to check in for us, cause he was the only one smart enough to think about bringing money. Nico and I sat on the small couches of the lobby. 

"You know what I just realized," I said. 

Nico turned his head toward me. "What?" 

"Instead of getting ourselves cleaned in a bathroom of an Indian restaurant, we could've waited till we got here," I noted. 

Nico looked away and just stared straight ahead. 

"Okay, I got the room, c'mon," Jordan called. 

We both stand up and follow her to the elevator that led to the room. After reaching the third floor, we tread down a hallway towards a black door. He pulls out a key-card from his pocket and, with it, unlocks the door. We're met with a small hallway way. On either side is a door. One leads to a bathroom and the other is a tiny, walk-in closet. Further down, there are two beds, a round table, a dresser with a T.V placed above it, and another door leading to a balcony. 

"I would've gotten a room with three beds, but that was out of my budget," Jordan said. "Do you guys mind sharing?" 

"I don't mind," I shrug, turning towards Nico. 

"I guess I don't either," Nico replied. "Just don't kick me in the face or I'll shove you off the bed." 

"Yeah man, as long as you don't kick me in the face, we're good," I say. 

"I don't move in my sleep, don't worry," Nico reassures. 

"Okay good." I throw a thumbs up. 


I aggressively shove Nico's feet off my stomach, making his body shape into an L. This guy was SLEEPING SIDEWAYS. This has been the second time that I've had to do that. 'I don't move in my sleep' my ass.

I turned away from him and stare out the window. Just as we expected, there was heavy rain coming from the sky. I've always had trouble sleeping, mainly cause of my ADHD. Some nights were easier than others, but tonight was not one of those nights. Freaking Nico wasn't helping either. My mind was running with everything that's been happening lately. But the thing that's been keeping me from sleeping the most was her. 

Y/N L/N. 

Before we'd left, we'd kissed. I honestly didn't think it would happen after that comment I made. "Well If I'm so handsome, why don't you kiss me?" I had regretted that the moment I said it. Not so much regret now though. Her lips were soft. She smelled of fresh strawberries. When her hair tickled my face, I couldn't help but smile. I had waited so long for that moment. 

I thought about her every day that I left. Even when I was with Calypso, I would think back on her, though I felt bad. Nothing could compare to the way she made me feel. 

As I think more about her from my childhood, I find myself slowly drifting to sleep. My eyelids get heavy and they shut. 


"I can't stop it!" I yell. I've never felt this before. The fire erupting from my hands was starting to burn. I turn to Jordan whose hands are starting to get burned from his own fire too. 

"Leo! You're going to burn them too!" Y/N yells behind me. 

"It's too strong!" I shout toward her. 

The flames turn different colors, red, blue, green, pink. They're all reacting to it. 

Y/N shouts. 

The scene shifts and I'm at a courtyard. Jordan is sitting down, sweaty and exhausted. I see a copy of myself beside him, equally as exhausted. He says something and we both laugh. Everything he says is muffled. Everything I say is muffled. It's all inaudible. Despite this, I smile at the sight. 

After everything, seeing him smiling and laughing makes me happy. 

The world around me shifts once more and I'm leaning against a wall with Jordan by my side. Someone is shouting and breaking things. I flinch when I see pieces of a glass vase bounce beside my feet. I shuffle back, afraid to be caught. Just like the last scene, everything is inaudible. Though I can't help but feel that the shouting voice might be familiar. 

Everything changes again and I'm getting a third-person view of the scene. Jordan and the copy of me are listening intently. We're both trembling. The person shouts again, followed by other hurried, rushed voices. 

The blood drains from Jordan's face and she faints. 

"Jodan!" I try shouting, but nothing comes out, and once again, I'm taken somewhere else.

I watch as a blond-headed boy wearing a traditional tuxedo walks towards a giant coffin. It's glowing with red inscriptions that I can't decipher. 

"The plan is in play, I'm working on it," he promises. "She's already here. Only a matter of time before they find out." 


I'm jolted away by Nico. 

"Come on, it's time to get up," he says, tossing a pillow at my nose.

"Okay okay," I replied groggily. My head hurts and I feel that my heart is racing. I also feel this anxiety built up in my chest. My throat feels scratchy from shouting.

But I don't remember what got me so worked up. 

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