Knowing and Not Knowing

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This chapter is pretty long, so grab sum snacks, sum coffee or somethin, and enjoy. This took me a little while so yeah.

It was 1120 words, not including this note. Anyways, I'll just let you read the chapter now.  :) 

Your POV 

You felt like the ride was taking forever. You had been on here for too long. 

Leo had been silent the whole time and never made eye contact with you. It was like he was trying to ignore you. His fingers were tapping rapidly on his thighs, and not once did they stop moving. Occasionally he would move his brown hair out of his face. 

"Hey, Leo," you said. "What happened while you were gone? I mean, you have a winged horse."

You chuckled slightly. Leo looked at you over his shoulder, his eyes sad. He looked like he was guilty of something, but you couldn't understand what. 

"Do I know you?" he asked, then looked away from you. 

You were shocked. It was like someone had just slapped you in the face. You knew he recognized you. The way he looked at you before he attacked the Kindly One was one you'll never forget. The recognition was so clear on his face. 

"Leo, I-it's me. It's Y/N L/N," you said, a little hurt. You guys were together in the orphanage for two years before he was taken into foster care and was pronounced lost. You didn't understand. "We stayed at the orphanage in New Jersey for two years. I met you when I was 10."

"I think you're mistaking me for someone else," he said quietly. He was trying to hide the guilt he felt. You know it. You could hear it in his voice. "I don't know anyone named Y/N." (if your name is the same as one of the 7 or like anyone else Leo knows in the books, ignore this pleaseee) 

"Leo Valdez." He flinched. "Don't act stupid with me. You know exactly who I am. I know it. You know me. Don't pretend that you don't know me." 

"I-I'm sorry," he said, "Y/N."

He kept saying he didn't know you, but the way he said your name was different. The way he said it made you think he had used it before. 

You felt tears stinging your eyes. 

"When I was 11, you made a ring for me. It was made out of a Coke can and broken glass," you said. He turned to you. His face was blank, but his eyes were hurt. "You proposed to me. You wore a stupid cardboard tie. Everyone laughed at you, so to help you, I said yes." 

At this point, tears were running down your cheeks. 

"I'm sorry, I-," Leo said, but you cut him off. 

"You know what, Screws," you said, using the old nickname you had for him, "I don't know why you're pretending not to know me, but I'm sure it's for a good reason. So I'll pretend not to know you too. But despite everything you try to tell me, I know that you remember me. You can't convince me otherwise." 

He looked at you sadly, staring intently at your E/C orbs. Tears had built up in his eyes. 

"I'm sorry," he said. 

Then, Jayden and Kevin flew beside you. You turned your head away from them and wiped your eyes before they could notice anything. 

"We're almost there!" Jayden yelled. "Be careful when landing, Valdez!" 

"Yeah," Leo replied, giving them a fake smile. 

Jayden slowly started descending from the clouds. He was no longer visible when he went under. 

"Hold on," Leo said over his shoulder.

You nodded. Then, you guys started getting lower and lower from the sky. You could see a small island. Below, there was a huge blue house. There was a volleyball court with lots of kids throwing around a ball. Around twelve cabins were formed in a U shape. There was a nice lake beside one of them that stretched out pretty far. You could see a rock climbing wall with lava pouring from it. A few kids were climbing it. They seemed to be about thirteen to sixteen. Out of the corner of your eye, you could also see a dinning pavilion. There was huge strawberry fields that covered most of the land. 

You guys landed by a small building. You realized it was a horse stable. 

Leo slipped off the horses back and offered you a hand. You ignored it, and slipped off on your own, almost tripping in the process. You straightened up and saw that Jayden and Kevin were leaving the stables. 

"You never introduced yourself," Kevin said. "What's your name?"

"My name is Y/N L/N," you replied. "Can I, um, ask where we are?"

"You're at Camp Half-Blood, a place where demigods like you and Leo train to survive against monsters. This is probably the only place you'll be safe, other than Camp Jupiter, but that's a conversation we'll save for later," Jayden said. He talked pretty fast, but luckily, you were able to understand everything he said. "Leo, will you take her to the Big House? I need to take Kevin to the infirmary."

"I thought his burn healed after we gave him some nectar?" Leo replied, confused. 

"Not fully." Kevin showed his arm, and just as Jayden said, there was pretty bad burn under his wrist. 

"Oh. Sorry Kev," Leo said, looking up at him. 

"It's better than getting killed," Kevin replied, smiling brightly. "C'mon, Jayden."

"Thanks, Leo," Jayden yelled behind him as he and Kevin walked away from you. 

Once they left, you were left alone with Leo. Both of you stood next to each other in uncomfortable silence. 

"I'll take... um, the Pegasus inside the stables," you replied. You had gotten pretty good at taking care of horses since you slept inside horse stables pretty often. 

Leo nodded and looked down, rubbing his neck nervously. 

"Her name is Minora," Leo said quietly. 

You led Minora into the stables. You put her into an empty space that you assumed was for her. 

"Thank you," you whispered, stroking her maine. 

You're welcome, a voice said in your head. 

You jumped back, startled. 

"W-Was that you??" you asked, staring at Minora, confused. 

Before you could get any type of response, you heard Leo call you from outside. You looked at Minora one last time before meeting Leo. 

"We need to take you to Chiron before it gets too late," Leo said, looking at the sky. 

The sun was already beginning to set. People we're starting to leave the volleyball court. The rock climbing wall was empty. You noticed everyone going to the dining pavilion. 

"Ok then." You were gonna ask who Chiron was, but then you just decided not to since you we're gonna find out soon.  

"Let's get you some food first, I'm sure you're hungry," Leo said. 

You nodded, and together, you walked to the dining pavilion. 

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