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Next morning, during breakfast... 

While I ate, Percy, Nico, and Jordan all explained to me what the plan was. First, we need would need to get five people all together so Nico could summon Pan's presence. We already had three of them, Annabeth, Percy, and Nico. We needed two more. Percy's best friend, Grover Underwood, and another one of his friends, Rachel Elizabeth Dare. 

Considering the times right now, Grover is most likely trying to protect a demigod somewhere. Rachel is also at school, at Clarion Ladies Academy. 

"So should we all go out into teams and split up?" I asked. 

"Well, we need a prophecy first," Percy said. "Before anything, we need to get Rachel." 

"It was so much easier having a mummy in the attic," Nico mumbled under his breath. Percy shot him a dirty look and elbowed him, to which Nico responded with a confused expression. 

"Where is Clarion Ladies Academy?" Jordan asked. I looked over at him. He sat next to Nico, but it seemed almost as if he was trying to keep a good distance between them. He did that bad habit of picking at his ears. I could already see blood on his nail. 

"I think it's somewhere in Connecticut," Percy responded. "New Hampshire?" 

"Ok, then we should start getting ready to go," Nico said. "We're all going?" 

"Yes," Percy said. Then he stopped and glanced at me and Jordan. "Well, maybe you two should stay here." 

"What, why?" I asked, dropping my fork on my plate of eggs. "I was there when Annabeth got bit. Shouldn't I go?"

"And why can't I come?"

"Well, first of all, both of you aren't very skilled in combat. Y/N, you're still trying to get a hold of your powers. Second, Jordan, bro, I'm so sorry, but you haven't even been claimed," Percy explained. 

"I'm going, you can't stop me," I said. I stubbornly get up and cross my arms. 

"Me too," Jordan said. "And who knows, maybe I'll get claimed tonight?" 

"We'll see," Percy said. 

I look at Jordan. He looks annoyed and upset. He probably didn't need another reminder that he hasn't been claimed. I look down at his fingers. There is blood on his index finger and thumb. I also notice something else. I need to blink twice to see if I saw the right thing. But, I'm almost sure of it. 

Smoke is rising from his palms. 

Percy's POV 

I go back to the Big House and spend the rest of the day with Annabeth. The bite on her neck has already gotten worse, despite it only being a few hours. Her lips are completely blue and her skin might as well be white. She's paler than Nico, which is saying a lot.

I hold her hand, and even though I have dyslexia, I read to her. It's a book about Roman architecture. After our trip to Rome, she's been obsessed with it. It was pretty boring, but I was hoping I'd get some sign from her. Some sign that she's listening. Some sign that she's still there. 

As I read, I would glance at her face. It hurt me to see her like this. This was worse then the time we had in Tartarus, because even though our time there was terrible, we had each other. She was dealing with this on her own, and I wasn't even sure if she would hear me. 

After a while, I sighed and gave up on the book. I place it down beside me and bring Annabeth's hand to my cheek. I hold it there. 

"Remember when we first met?" I asked quietly. "I remember the first thing you said. 'You drool when you sleep.'" I chuckle slightly at the memory. I feel tears build up in my eyes. "Please don't leave me, Wise Girl. Who's going to make sure I'm behaving? I swear, I'll start a fight with Hades if you don't stay, you here? I'll fight that god if you leave." The tears are falling like waterfalls now. I have to look down, because looking at her like this is too painful. "We still need to go to New Rome, Annabeth. Remember my plan? I even have a ring. My mom gave it to me a year ago. It's hidden in my room." 

I close my eyes. Why did the snake get her? Why did it have to get her? Why couldn't it be me? I sigh once, and still holding her hand, I stand up. "I need to pack. I'll come back, and things will get better, okay?" I kiss her hand once and, just as I'm about to let go, I feel her cold fingers tighten around my palm, then untighten.

My eyes widen. "Annabeth?" 

Then, I hear it. A loud explosion and screams erupt from outside the Big House. 


Sorry for the short chapter. With school, it hasn't been very easy to post. I have lots of plans for this book, so don't worry. Chapters will just have to be posted slowly. 

Have a good day wherever you are. 

You are beautiful, I love you, good bye! 

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