The Underworld (Part 2)

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After trudging through the dark depths of the underworld and avoiding lots of... almost disasters, we finally made it to Hades Castle. I always thought it was funny that Hades tried creating a knockoff version Olympus, but I mean, it's kinda cool. Black obsidian that glittered and a black marble portico. The entry hall had a polished bronze floor. Pfft, and people thought I was edgy

"Is that the famous garden? What's her name again?" Jordan thought out loud.

"Oh, that's no way to talk about a goddess," a familiar voice said behind us.

Leo, Jordan and I all turn. A tall, beautiful and young woman stood before us. Her hair draped elegantly onto her shoulders. It curled and bounce when she stepped slightly closer. A long, silky dress hugged her body nicely. The color of it seemed to fade into multiple different hues of red and purple and blue and green. The same nearly happened to her eyes.

"Damn," Leo mumbled. He seemed to look at her with adoring eyes. Jordan slapped his hand and gave him a wtf? look.

Persephone raised a brow while smirking. She turned to me. "You have funny friends, Angelo."

"It's di'Angelo," I corrected. "I'll just take them over to my room now and-"

"Ah, ah, ah." Persephone brought a hand to Jordans cheek. "I need to set a few ground rules before I let your friends play with fire."

Jordan looked up at her with the same adoring eyes Leo had. He nodded stupidly. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, what are your rules?" I questioned. She was a goddess, so I always had to remember to watch my tone, but I honestly was not in the mood for any of Persephone's games. There was also the dandelion incident, though she swore on the styx to never mention that again.

"As much as I love making it up to Nico and building a nice relationship with him, there are things that I just cannot let slide." At the word slide, she slide her fingers tips down to the back of Jordans neck. I felt jealousy prick at my skin. "One, do not ruin my garden. Two, if I hear a wince coming from my animals, I will throw you into Tartarus. Three, there is a built in section of the castle permitted to you. If there is pyrokinesis practiced outside of those bounds, you will personally hear from Hades. He loves his castle. Understood?"

Leo and Jordan both nodded their heads. The world shifted beneath our feet. I rub my eyes, getting dizzy.

"Woah, that was... awesome," Jordan said breathlessly.

Persophone was gone. We were within the halls of the palace, in front of tall, double doors. A small sign with Greek handwriting said Hades' Son.

"I couldn't agree more," Leo agreed, completely astonished. "She touched you. How did it feel?"

"Dude, I was literally trying not to sh-"

"Guys!" I shout.

Jordan and Leo turn to me. They're both surprised.

"Let's just get you settled." I aggresively shove my door open. Jordan and Leo walk in behind me and gasp.

Hugged up in the middle of the left wall was a king sized bed. Black nightstands were on either side. A giant potrait of Hades and Persephone were in the wall in front of us, left to the bed. Beneath the potrait was a large dresser. It was empty other than a few shirts and undergarments. A door to the right led to a bathroom the size of a small studio.

"Hell yeah, I could get used to this," Leo commented. He looked around, admiring the details in the architecture. He threw this suitcase down and jumped onto the bed. He snuggled into the covers with a smile. 

Jordan giggled at his brother. He looked down, licking his lips, before turning to me. "So I guess you gotta go now." 

I nod. He pushed his glasses up a little and turns to me. Before I could react, Jordan's arms were wrapped around my waist. 

"Good luck," he blurted out. 

He quickly let go and walked to Leo, who was smirking devishly. Leo wiggled his eyebrows at me, to which I waved him off. I left the room and gently closed the door behind me. 

(Leo's POV) 

"That was one steamy hug," I teased. 

Jordan punched my shoulder and rolled his eyes. 

"I'm gonna go shower and get ready to sleep," Jordan said. He grabbed his suitcase and walked to the bathroom, leaving me alone in this impressively large room. 

I lean back and sigh. As much as I loved hanging with Nico and Jordan, I missed... her. 


I missed her so much it was like I could hear her. 


I chuckled, surprised at how my mind conjured such a realistic sound of her voice. 


I jumped up and looked around. My eyes stopped at a misty image of Y/N standing before me. 

"Y/N?" I asked. 

The image of Y/N nodded. "Percy taught me how to Iris Message! I was kind of worried that it wouldn't send, but I mean, it did so that's all that matters." 

I grinned from ear to ear. "So what are you guys doing? Jordan and I just got here. Nicos gone. He went to pick up Hazel." 

"Well, Grover almost got killed by a hellhound, Percy is losing his shit, and we're currently at some 7-Eleven," Y/N explained. "Grover and Percy are inside getting a few snacks for the road. We're close to Elizabeth. Elizabeth? Rachel? Yeah, Rachel. Elizabeth is her middle name." 

"Cool." That was all I was able to say. 

I've been thinking about her this whole trip but now that she was here in front of me... 

I mean, my imagination could never do the real her justice. The way her hair framed her face. Her perfect facial features. It was all so... breathtaking. 

"I miss you," she whispers. 

"I miss you too, princesa." 

For the next four minutes we had, we talked as quickly as we could about our journeys. 

I wrote over 2000 words for you knuckleheads. Hope you like it :) 

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