Capture the Flag

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Your POV 

The next day, when you woke up, everyone was already gone, doing camp activities. You, being new, had no idea what to do. So, you wrapped up your sleeping bag and headed out, trying to find something to do. You walked all around camp. You spent a few hours going around and trying out a few of the camp activities. You went to the arena to practice your sword skills, getting help from a nice Ares kid. Turns out you weren't half as bad. You tried out the freakish rock climbing wall, which ended up being a huge fail because you fell and hurt your elbow. It was almost time for dinner before you found yourself in front of the lake. The water shone brightly from the sun. You could see naiads peacefully swimming in the water, their beautiful smiles directed to you. 

You smiled back and decided to grab a canoe, which happened to be hung up on a rack along with a few others. You put on a life vest and paddled out into the lake. You went pretty far before coming to a stop. Inside the lake water, many fishes circled your canoe. You slipped your hand into the water and felt a smooth, slippery fish brush the back of it. You giggled softly. 

"Hey, Y/N!" you heard a familiar voice call out. 

You looked up and saw the one and only Percy Jackson. He had a huge smile on his face and he waved at you. On the canoe he was on, there was a girl behind him. She had beautiful tan skin and curly blond hair tied up in a ponytail. Her piercing, stormy grey eyes were directly at you. 

"Hey Percy and Percy's friend!" you shouted back. 

Percy paddled beside you. "Y/N, this is my girlfriend Annabeth. Annabeth, this is the new camper I was telling you about."

"Hello," Annabeth greeted. "I'm a daughter of Athena. Have you been claimed?" 

"Not yet," you replied. 

Percy looked down at where your hand was at. He seemed a little bit confused. Annabeth noticed Percy's expression and followed his gaze. Her eyebrows rose a little. 

"Hey, Y/N, um, how're you doing that?" he asked. You were confused a little bit before realizing he was asking about the fish around your hand. 

"Oh, I didn't do anything," you replied. "They just came to me. This always happens when I'm at the beach or something." 

Annabeth glanced at Percy, who was also looking at her. They both had something on their mind, but you didn't know what. You removed your hand from the water. The fish dispersed and just swam around you and Percy's canoe. 

"Is something wrong?" you asked. 

What could they be thinking about? you thought to yourself. 

"Um... can you do something for me?" Percy asked, moving his attention to you. 

"Sure." You were a little confused. 

Before Percy could tell what it was, a loud horn blew from the distance. 

"Oh, I think it'll have to wait," you said. "Doesn't that mean it's dinner time?" 

"Uh, yeah," Percy said, looking towards the shore. He looked back at you with a sort of seriousness. "I want you to see me after dinner here at the lake, okay?" 

You nodded then paddled towards the shore with them. You put the canoe away and removed your life vest, hanging it up nicely with the other ones. With Percy and Annabeth, you walked to the dining pavilion. Many kids were already there. You waved goodbye at the couple and sat at the Hermes table, barely hanging from the edge. 

"Hello," a boy in front you said. "Are you new too or are you a Hermes kid?" 

"Oh, I'm new," you replied. You took a good look at this kid. He had short, fluffly black hair. His eyes were a very light brown, almost a hazel. "When did you get here?" 

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