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Leo's POV

We were crouched on the ground, just in front of the Big House. I could hear people's whispers around us as they watched.

Y/N was in my arms, crying softly into my shoulder. Her entire body trembled, whether it be from the cold or not. I brushed her hair with my fingers. Her cold hands were holding onto my shirt tightly, making me feel as if she didn't want to let go.

She pulled away slightly and looked around, staring at all the faces around us. The grip she had on my shirt became stronger.

She was afraid.

Slowly, I lift her off the ground and carry her away. Away from all the stares. Away from all the whispers. I could feel her gaze on me, but I didn't want to look back. I didn't want to see her sad expression. It hurts me to see her like this.

"Where are we going?" she asked, her voice weak. You could hear the pain in her voice. I frowned.

"I don't know," I replied. In all honesty, I didn't know where I was taking her. I just wanted her to be away from all the other campers. I wanted her to be comfortable. I wanted her to not be afraid.

I stopped and looked around. I was surprised to see we were in the forest, by the same lake she had been claimed. I set her down and grab her hand, taking her to the edge of the lake. Despite being away from everyone, she still seemed tense.

"Why?" she asked behind me. I turned around. Tears brimmed the edge of her E/C eyes. "Why are you trying to help me?"

"Well, you're my friend," I responded. "I care for you."

She took a breathe, obviously surprised by my words. That's when I realized. Y/N hasn't had a friend in a long time. She's been on the streets, alone, these past years. People on the streets are common here in New York, so I'm sure, for the most part, she doesn't really get comfort from anyone. I've seen how people will walk past the people sitting on the sidewalk without a second glance.

What am I doing must seem alien to her.

Your POV

This feeling. It's strange, but pleasant. I haven't felt this way in a long time.

Leo gives me a small smile and lets go of my hand. He moves towards the edge of the lake and sits down, patting the spot beside him. Slowly, I sit beside him on his right.

Even though were not touching, I can still feel his warmth on my arm.

"You know, when I ran away, I almost came back for you," Leo said. I look at him. His eyes were directed to the sky. A soft breeze blew the hair away from his eyes. The reflection of the stars on his chocolate brown orbs seemed magical. "But I didn't, cause I was afraid. I was afraid of hurting you. There was times when I would nearly burn you because of nightmares. There was even a time where I burned some of your hair. I managed to put it out, but it wasn't pretty."

I think back to a time, when I was at the orphanage, when I had woken up with at least 2 inches of my hair gone. I was confused and even remember crying. Everyone else had seemed confused too. I had assumed it was one of the kids who picked on me and Leo.

"You cut my hair," I said. Leo looked down and smiled sheepishly. "I thought it was-"

"You thought it was Diego, I remember," Leo laughed. "I felt so bad when you were complaining to me. I would've left your hair alone, but it would've been worse if I did."

"Remember when you accidently cut your hair during arts and crafts?" I asked, chuckling slightly. "You were trying so hard to cut that stupid star right, you brought it so close to you face, you ended up cutting a piece of hair that was beside your eyes. Your hair was way longer back then."

"Yeah, then you started cracking up," Leo replied. "I was so embarrassed."

We both sat there, silent now. I sighed. All the anxiety I felt earlier was gone now. I felt safe. I felt comfortable. I felt like finally, after so long, I had a friend who cared for me.

"Thank you, Leo," I mumbled. He didn't respond, which honestly I didn't mind. I scooted closer to him and put my head on his shoulder, taking in all the heat that radiated from his body. It was cold earlier, but now I felt nice and warm.

I felt my eyes get heavy and slowly close.


I woke up to a bright light. I open my eyes and cover them with my hand. The bright sun shone down on me. I look around.

Leo laid beside me, his right arm wrapped around my waist. His other arm was on his stomach. I gently removed his arm and sit up.

We were still beside the lake, in the forest. My eyebrows raise.

"Oh CRAP!" I shouted. I shake Leo aggressively. "VALDEZ! VALDEZ WAKE UP!"

Leo groaned, opening his eyes and looking up at me. "What the heck, Y/N. Ow, my back."

"Leo, we stayed at the lake! We have to get back to camp! Oh my gosh, Percy is going to kill me," I said, putting my hands in my hair. "Leo, C'MON!"

"When did I fall asleep??" Leo asked. I stood up and pulled Leo's arm, taking him off the ground. Still holding onto Leo, I run back to camp. "Why did you fall asleep!?!"

"Why did you fall asleep?!?!" I shouted back. We run out of the forest and make our way to the cabins. Other campers looked at us, confused. I head straight to Cabin 3 and let go of Leo. "Percy!"

The door swings open to a very upset, tired looking Percy. He looked so mad, I could almost see the smoke coming from his ears. He looks at Leo, then at me, then back at Leo, then back at me.

"Explain," Percy said sternly, crossing his arms.

Leo and I started talking at once, trying to explain to him that we slept in the forest.

"Ok ok ok!" Percy shouted, cutting us both off. "It doesn't even matter anymore. At least now I know nothing happened to you too."

Percy pulled me into a tight hug. I was a little shocked and very guilty. With everything that happened last night, I'm sure I had given him quite a scare when I left with Leo. He must've been afraid something had happened to me. Two people he cared about one night.

I hugged him back. The guilt I felt was abnormal. I looked back and saw that Leo was looking down, also looking upset.

I pulled away and held Percy's hand. "I'm sorry, Perce."

"It's alright," Percy replied grimly.

"So, what's happening with Annabeth?" I asked, looking up at him. Percy face darkens. His expression makes him older. For some reason, it looked almost as if the bags under his eyes darkened too. "Percy?"

"Chiron said he's seen something like this before, years ago," Percy started, switching his gaze between me and Leo, "and there's an antidote."

Leo and I smiled at that. "But there's a catch."

"What?" Leo asked, his grin faltering.

"The last person to see the antidote was Pan," Percy said. "And he's dead."

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