Absolutely Confused

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Your POV 

As you run down the street, you think to yourself. 

How the frick did this happen? 

Behind you, you can hear that weird lady snarl, "Come here!" as she flies to catch up to you. 

Lucky for you, you've done nothing but run all your life. But unlucky for you, the bish had wings so. 

She was getting even closer to you, making you very worried. You took a quick turn down an alleyway, throwing her off. She zoomed passed you. You managed to get to the other side before she realized. You ran across a street, almost getting hit by a car. You passed a few buildings before stopping at this burning building. It scared you really badly. 

People were crowding around it. There was some people who running out, some smeared with black ashe. Some people were coming out of the houses beside the burning building. 

Then you saw him 

He was walking outside of the burning building completely unharmed. He was smiling proudly, like he just did something amazing. 

You've seen him before. 

You know you have.

That smile, those clothes, his hair. Everything. 

He was your childhood bestfriend. He made everything better when your were in the orphanage. Seeing him now is strange. He looks different. 

Who are the people with him? Why are they holding swords? Why are they all bleeding? 

And, how did he just walk out of a burning building alive? 

When he saw you, and the ugly thing behind you, he ran to your aid. 

Of course. 

It's Leo freaking Valdez. 

As he was running towards you, the two people behind him following closely behind, his eyebrows rose. You could see the recognition in his eyes. 

He remembered you. 

He zoomed past you, ripping his eyes away from you. You whipped your head back and saw him cut across the monsters face with a huge hammer. One of the people he was with jabbed his sword in her gut, and she blasted into golden dust. 

"WHAT THE F-" You cut off by being tugged tightly on the wrist and being dragged. 

It took you a little bit to realize that Leo was the one who grabbed you. It also took you some time to realize that the person running beside had freaking donkey legs. It took you even longer to realize that the other person had donkey legs. 

You were absolutely confused.

"See Jayden! I TOLD YOU IT WOULD WORK!" Leo yelled, looking at the guy running beside you. "MY TRACKER IS GENIUS! YOU OWE ME 25 BUCKS!" 

"SHUT UP VALDEZ!" the weird donkey human thing replied. "LET'S JUST GET TO SAPHIRE AND MINORA!" 

"Your no fun," Leo mumbled under his breath. 

You were so confused, but you had no words. You were just so shocked. Every single question you had was at the tip of your tongue, but you couldn't speak. And what threw you off even more was that THERE WAS A FREAKING HORSE WITH WINGS!

A white horse and gray horse were standing behind two big dumpster trucks, so it would've been kind of difficult to see them the first time. 

We all came to a hard stop. 

"Hello, my name is Jayden, you are a demigod and the thing that just attacked you was a Kindly One," one of them said. You took this time to analyze him. He was kind of short. Maybe 5'2. He had really dark colored skin and wore an orange tee shirt. His hair was short, revealing two horns on his head. "That right there is Leo Valdez and that's Kevin."

You looked at Kevin. He had shaggy, dirty blonde hair. He was about the same size as you, but really skinny. Above his head was also two horns, a little bit bigger than Jayden's. 

"H-Hi," you stuttered. 

"Ok great, now we have to go," Jayden said, hauling himself onto the white horses back. "C'mon Kevin." 

"Ok ok!" Kevin said, climbing behind Jayden and holding onto his shirt. "Hurry up, Valdez!" 

Leo got himself onto the gray horse and looked at you impatiently, his fingers tapping rapidly on the horses neck. 

You got yourself quickly onto the horse behind Leo and held onto the back of his shirt. When you guys were lifted up off the ground, you screamed and wrapped your arms around Leo's waist tightly. 


He didn't respond. 

"YOU HAVE A LOT OF EXPLAINING TO DO!" you yelled again. The higher and higher you got the tighter and tighter your arms got around his waist. You looked down the decided you better just shut your eyes. 

Then the Pegasus flew faster. 


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