I Wonder What You're Doing...

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(Nico's POV)

I've never had so much trouble trying to wake people up. Leo and Jordan are practically dead.

Normally I'm a nuisance to wake up. I enjoy sleeping. Twelve hour naps are pretty common for me. I was excited yesterday to sleep in a comfortable bed. But before I slept, I set up an alarm so we could all wake up and head towards the Door of Orpheus. That way I have enough time in the day to get Hazel and set up everything to conjure Pan.

I personally spent around 10 minutes getting up. It was a bit difficult, but Jordan and Leo? They didn't even react to the alarm. They didn't even move. I've shoved them, I've yelled, I've smacked them with pillows. Nothing. Literally nothing. I had to check their pulse to make sure they weren't actually dead.

My last resort is water. If they don't wake up to water, I have on idea what I'm doing. Under the dresser there is a mini fridge stocked with water. I grab a bottle and head to Jordan first. He's holding a pillow to his chest, his face snuggled into it. His hair is wild and going up in different directions. I think back to yesterday when he randomly started playing with my hair. It definitely caught me off guard and made me slightly uncomfortable, but once he stopped, I couldn't help but miss it.

"What are you doing?"

I turn back towards Leo. He's sitting up on the bed and rubbing his eyes. Just like his brother, his hair is a big, fluffy mess. Honestly, mine probably is too. Then again I've never been one to tame my hair.

"N-nothing," I stutter. I stumble away from Jordan's sleeping figure and hide the bottle behind my back. "I was gonna try waking you both up. You guys sleep like sloths."

"Pfft, whatever death boy," Leo replies. His eyes light up. "Oh wait! Were you going to splash him with water?"


"Bro! Let me do it!" Leo jumps from the bed and takes the bottle from my hand. Before I could stop him, Leo practically yanks the lid off and dumps the bottle on Jordan's head. Jordan bolts up.

Leo shakes the bottle to make sure all the water is out. At this point, he's laughing hysterically. I smile but I'm also concerned for Jordan. Well, my worry goes away when I notice he's laughing too.

"What the fuck!" Jordan giggles. He shoves Leo and heads to the bathroom.

"You're a genius Nico!" Leo holds his stomach and tries to contain his laughter.

I chuckle.

He looks cute with wet hair.

"Was that a smile?"

"Shut up, Valdez."

(Jordan's POV)

After drying off, changing into fresh clothes and getting all our things sorted, Nico, Leo and I head to the Door of Orpheus. We would've shadow traveled but Nico wanted to save his energy for when he goes to get Hazel at Camp Jupiter. We walked with Mrs. O'Leary the whole time, which was weird. I wondered how that looked in the public's eye.

"So, are you ready to start your training? I'm thinking we start slow. Lighting candles and stuff," Leo says. He plays with a couple of wires and plastic while he talks. "Or we could just go for it, you know. Get as much fire out of you as possible. Actually, no. We'd kill everyone twice. Ha, wouldn't that be something?"

"I don't know..." I replied. I haven't really given myself time to think about how we're actually going to the underworld. A place I'd assumed was a myth was real. I have fire powers and I'm going to train with my brother who is the son of a god. I'm a son of a god. It's all so surreal. "I think the candle idea is best, I guess."

"Okay cool. Watch, by the time you're done working with me, you'll have your powers so controlled it'll be like blinking," Leo says proudly.

"Okay guys, we're almost there," Nico hollers behind his shoulder.

"Okay!" Leo gives him a thumbs up then returns to his little invention. "I wonder how Y/N is doing right now."

(Y/N's POV)

"Oh my god, this burger is great," I say through a full mouth of food. "I don't think I've had a burger better than this."

"I agree," Percy replies, also with a mouth full of food.

"Okay, so, let's rewind it a bit," Grover said, putting down his burger and looking towards Percy and I. "Some guy named Jordan has fire powers just like Leo, he seems to be having something going on with Nico, and they're going to the underworld to train?"

"Yeah, c'mon, we've gone over this," Percy replied, accidentally spitting a bit of burger bread out of his mouth.

"Ew," I say with disgust.

"And Annabeth got bitten by a spider?" Grover asks.

"No!" Percy and I exclaim.

"It was a snake," Percy explains.
"Jesus, my bad," Grover mutters, taking a bite of some fries. "So what's the plan now?"

"Oh wait, we forgot to tell him about Pan," I realized. Percy turns to Grover and takes a big gulp of his chocolate shake. "Should I tell him or do you want to tell him?"

"You tell him."

"Tell me what?" Grover questions. "What about Pan?"

"Okay, so basically the only person who has the cure to Annabeth's bite is Pan. Nico needs to have everyone that was there when Pan died so he can conjure him. Not sure how, he's not technically dead nor is his soul in the underworld but we'll see I guess," I explain, simplifying the plan a tad bit.

Grover just stares at me with an open mouth. Which was gross, by the way, cause you could see chunky pieces of french fries on his tongue.

"WHAT?!" Grover finally yells.

Everyone in the Shake Shack turns to us in confusion. I quickly cover Groves mouth as he rants on about how it's dangerous and disrespectful to conjure him after a peaceful passing. Percy takes a few more bites of his burgers, grabs his chocolate shake and keys, then we both pull Grover out of the burger place. I'm still holding my burger and trying to chow it down as we shove Grover in the car.

"-And you expect me to just comply with you?! I would love to see Pan again but what if something goes wrong?! You're disturbing his soul! He deserves to rest peacefully!" Grover insists.

I jump into the backseat and take a bite of the quarter piece of burger I have left. Percy is in the driver's seat starting the car.

"You do realize this isn't just some person right?! This is a god! Pan! It's fucking Pan! Oh wait, I shouldn't say Pan and curse in the same sentence. STILL! I will not help you!" Grover yells.

Percy honks the car. The loud, long sound echoes through the parking lot. People walking by are startled and angry by his disturbance. When the sound stops, Grover and I just stare at Percy. His face is red and I swear, I swear for a minute, there is smoke rising from his ears.

"You have to help!" Percy shouts. Grover looks taken aback. Percy takes a deep breath and sighs. Tears build up in his sea green eyes, making it look like waves in an ocean. "You have to help me, Grover. There's no other way to help Annabeth. She's... she's everything to me. I've lost her once before, but luckily she was alive with the possibility of getting her back. If we don't get Pan, she'll die. Do you get it? She won't be alive anymore, Grover."
"Yeah, I-I get it," Grover mumbles. He looks away from Percy, instead turning his attention to the radio.

"We're going to get Rachel and then go back to camp. That's the plan. I'm sorry for the honking," Percy explains.

I look out the window. He's losing his person and we're not treating the situation that way.

Speaking of person...

I wonder what Leo's doing right now.

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