Without Hesitation

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Percy's POV

I held Annabeth in my arms, my hands trembling as I held her head. Her face was paper white. The tips of her fingers were blue. 

On her neck was a bite mark so ugly, it almost made me gag. I don't understand. I don't get it. She was just with me. How did this happen? How did it get like this? 

What am I supposed to do?


I jumped off the bed and bolted to the living room. Ms. Jackson, Paul, and Percy were all hunched together around a very pale looking Annabeth. Her neck was a grotesque blue and purple, blooding oozing from a nasty bite. 

I brought my hand to my mouth. I could feel my gag reflexes tickling me, but I had to compose myself, no matter how gross it looked. I went to Percy's side. Tears were falling from his eyes. He stared at Annabeth, completely in shock. He looked green. 

"Percy!" I shouted. He looked at me. The fear and the worry that danced in his eyes almost made me fall back. Percy was terrified of loosing the love of his life. "Percy, we have to take her to a hospital or something. Did you see what bit her?"

"I-" Percy looked back at Annabeth. He was struggling to get the words out. 

"Percy!" I grabbed his shoulders and made him turn his attention back to me. I looked directly into his eyes. "Did you see what bit her?" 

He gulped and looked down, concentrating really hard. "It was some sort of snake. But I've never seen it before. It was a bright red snake with icy blue patterns on its belly. I don't think it's a regular snake, Y/N." He looked at me, more tears brimming the edge of his sea green eyes. "But it doesn't make any sense. I've never heard of a thing like that in Greek mythology. What if we can't help her? I-I don't know what to do." 

"It's okay," I reassured him, though it didn't sound very convincing. I turned to Paul. "Mr. Blofis, do you mind if we take your car?" 

"No, not at all," he said. He quickly got up and tossed his keys to me. I caught them with my left hand. 

"Let's take her to camp," I said. I stood up. Percy nodded and adjusted Annabeth in his arms so he could stand up and carry her to the car. Paul held Sally in his arms. Sally herself was crying and shaking vigorously. Her skin was almost as pale as Annabeth's. "Percy, sit in the back seat with her and keep checking her pulse." 

I ran with Percy to Paul's van. Percy quickly got into the back, placing Annabeth's head in his lap. I was starting up the car, not bothering to put on my seatbelt. As soon as I heard the roar of the engine, I sped towards Camp Half-Blood. 


Percy and I held Annabeth as we bolted up the hill. It was still fairly dark, probably 12am in the morning, but we still screamed for help. We passed the huge CHB sign and ran towards the Big House. I noticed lights turning on in the cabins. Chiron opened the door before we even got there. 

The tired expression he wore instantly wiped off once he saw Annabeth in our arms. He got up from his wheelchair and trotted to us. 

"What happened?" he asked urgently, taking Annabeth from us. 

"Some weird looking snake bit her," I responded as clearly as I could. "I can't describe it now, but it wasn't a normal snake." 

"Alright then." Chiron looked at Percy. "Go get some Apollo kids immediately."

Percy, still staring at Annabeth, nodded and ran off towards the Apollo cabin. I could feel my cool slowly disappear. My hands began to shake and I felt tears threating to spill from my E/C eyes. I had to control myself for just a little longer. I had to make sure Annabeth was alright. I had make sure Percy was going to be alright too. 

Chiron seemed to notice this and looked at me softly. "Y/N, I can take it from here. Thank you. You've done well." 

"But I-!" 

"I've got someone!" Percy yelled. I turned and noticed him running beside a young girl, around fifteen, with short blonde hair. She was still in her pajamas and her hair was all over the place, but she seemed awake enough. 

"Kayla, do you think you can help?" Chiron asked. The girl, who I'm assuming is Kayla, nodded. He turned to Percy. "Kayla is mute, so she won't be able to say anything, but she knows sign."

"Ok." Percy's fists were balled up. He watched Chiron take Annabeth into the Big House with Kayla. Once the door closed, Percy let out a shaky breathe and closed his eyes. He got onto his knees, looking almost completely defeated. His entire body shook. "Y/N." 

I kneeled in front of him and put wrapped my arms around him. His head fell onto my shoulder. I could feel his wet tears through my shirt. 

"It's going to be okay, Percy," I whispered. "She'll be fine. Go with her. I'll wait for you outside."

Percy pulled away and looked at me. His nose and eyes were bright red from all the crying he'd been doing. "Okay. Thank you." 

With that, he gave me a kiss on the cheek and ran inside the Big House. I would've followed him, but I couldn't get up. I couldn't move. I couldn't compose myself anymore. All the fear and all the worry that I blocked out earlier rushed in like a big wave. My heart pounded in my chest. It got hard to breathe. 

I was having an anxiety attack. 

My mind rushed with negative thoughts. What if she didn't make it? What would Percy do? How would he feel? If Annabeth didn't make it, everyone would be devastated. Annabeth has to make it. 

My body began to tremble. Tears streamed down my cheeks like waterfalls. I couldn't hear anything except the sound of my own voice in my head. 

She won't make it. 

She'll die. 

Percy will never be the same. 

You'll loose the only family you've ever had. 

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up, everything drowning away. 

There. There it was. A smile. A sweet smile.

His messy hair. His chocolate brown eyes. 

His strong, warm arms around my body. The smell of pumpkin spice and a burning fire. His soft whispers in my ear. 

"It will be okay," he whispered. "Relax. Annabeth is going to be just fine. Don't worry." 

This is what I needed. Finally. After all the years of me helping other people on the streets. I would give my food away, I would help lost children. I haven't had comfort like this in years. 

And here he was. Giving it to me without hesitation. 

"I'm right here," he softly said. 


Alright then, after an intense chapter, I have a very important announcement! This goes for people who enjoy the My Hero Academia series. 

I am currently working on a project with one of my ocs. It's basically going to be a love story with... drumroll please... KATSUKI BAKUGOU! Woo woo! Okay, sorry, that was cringe. Anyway, yeah. If ya'll want me to actually post it here on Wattpad, please. Don't be shy. Drop a comment. Lol okay that's it. Thanks. See ya.  

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