Percy's Scream

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Y/N's POV (two weeks after last chapter)

I smiled, looking happily at my plate. I was given my favorite breakfast food, (favorite break food lol). Across from me, Percy was pouring an alarming amount of syrup on some blue, chocolate chip pancakes.

"So what do you plan on doing today, Perce?" I asked, taking a bite of my food. He gulps down the bite of pancake he just took with some milk.

"I think I'm gonna visit my mom," Percy replied.

"I thought we weren't supposed to leave camp?"

"Well, it's October. Camp 'ended' a while ago," Percy said.

I give him a puzzled look. "Then why are so many people still here?"

"Well, some kids don't go back home and stay year round. It's easier for them. Oh, and there's people who don't have a home to go back to," Percy explained, taking another bite of his blue pancakes. "Anyway, what're you going to do?"

"I'm not sure." In all honesty, I wanted to spend the day with Leo. I mean, no one can blame me. I haven't seen him in years. Looking up now, however, the latino was no where to be seen.

"Why don't you come with me to visit my mom?" Percy asked. I gulp down my food. "I'm sure my mom would want to meet my half sister."

"Are you sure?" I questioned.

"Of course!" Percy exclaimed. "It's not far from here. It'll be fun!"

"Hm, okay then. I don't see why not," I said, giving him a small smile.


After breakfast, Percy and I parted ways. He was going to ask Annabeth if she wanted to join us while I grabbed my things. He said he was already ready, so I would be meeting him by Thalia's Tree.

As I walked, I noticed someone pacing back and forth in front of the door.

"Leo?" I asked aloud.

The boy looked up, startled. "Y-Y/N! Hey!"

I give him a small smile and rise an eyebrow. He seemed nervous. I open the door to my cabin.

"What brings you here?" I asked, going into the cabin and grabbing my backpack, picking up a few of my necessities to throw into the pack.

"Oh, uh." Leo was scratching his neck nervously, obviously avoiding eye contact with me. "I was gonna ask, um, what you are doing today?"

"Oh, I'm going with Percy to visit his mom," I responded. "Why?"

"Oh," he said, looking down disappointedly. "I was hoping you'd want to hang out with me in Bunker 9, but it's okay."

My eyes lit up. Leo came here to ask me to hang out with him. "Actually, I can always-"

"Knock knock," a familiar voice announced. Leo and I turn our attention to the door. There stood Jordan nervously. "Hey, Y/N, can we talk?"

"Uh, sure," I said skeptically.

"Wait," Leo said, "is that Nico's shirt?"

I look at Jordan's shirt. He was wearing a black tee with a large, white skull on the front.

Jordan's face turned red and he crossed his arms. I gasped.

"Omg, Jordan!" I exclaimed.

"Drop it!" he shouted nervously. "I really need to talk to you, Y/N!"

"Ok ok, but we will be discussing this later," I replied. "C'mon Leo, get out of my humble home."

"Alright," Leo sighed. As he walked past Jordan and pointed at him shirt, waving his eyebrows and giving him a wink. He glared at him as his cheeks reddened even more. "See you later, chicas!"

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