Nico Is A Problem, But He Has A Solution

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Jordan's POV

The night Annabeth was rushed to the big house...

Leo had lifted Y/N and walked from crowd, her soft whimpers slowly fading away. Everyone stared at them or whispered to each other, all contemplating what just happened.

I smiled. I saw the look on Y/N's face. She seemed uncomfortable and afraid. I was grateful to Leo for handling her so well and removing her from the situation as best he could. I hadn't known Y/N very much or very long, but during the time we had known each other, we became close friends. She is one of the only reasons why I've been able to handle everything here at camp.

Her and Nico.

After the last time we talked, Nico and I have been hanging out more and more. I didn't want to, but I couldn't help myself. Nico was just so sweet. Under all the darkness, there is a bright light. Nico is smart, he is kind, he is caring, and he is pretty funny. He doesn't always show it, but in the times that he does, it makes my feelings for him stronger.

And I hate it.

Nico wasn't a romantic type, from what I know. Plus, I'm not ever sure he's... gay. I wanted to distance myself, to try and get rid of these childish feelings, but like I said before, I couldn't help it.

Standing next to him now, as we watched Y/N and Leo walk away, I felt sad. Leo cared for Y/N the same way I wanted to be cared for. But it would never happen.

"What happened?" Nico asked.

"I'm not sure. I know something is wrong with Annabeth," I replied. "I saw her get rushed inside the Big House. Percy looked pretty freaked out. Y/N looked pretty calm for the most part, but when Percy went inside, she just kind of... broke."

Nico sighed, a look of concern forming his face. "She must've been handling the situation pretty well and stood strong for everyone else."

"And she couldn't hold it in anymore," I said, looking at Nico. Nico wasn't much taller than me, perhaps two inches taller. Looking at him now, however, I felt small. I looked away. "I want to see what's wrong."

"Me too," Nico said, clearing his throat. I probably made him uncomfortable when I looked at him. "C'mon."

Nico and I walked to the Big House and went inside. Nico led me through the building into a room that looked like it could've been an office. Annabeth laid on a couch beside a fireplace, her face pale. Chiron was sitting at the edge of the couch, studying Annabeth's face. Percy sat beside her with a girl I'd seen at the Apollo table during breakfast and dinner. Percy eyes were bloodshot and puffy from crying. It was the worst I had ever seen him.

Nico rushed to Percy. "What happened?"

Percy looked at Nico, fear dancing in his sea green eyes. "She got bit by some snake. I've never seen it before, but what ever it did, it got her pretty bad."

Percy pointed to a rather nasty bite on Annabeth's neck. It had created a huge bump and was turning green. Her veins were more pronounced around the bite.

"Kayla, do you know what this is?" Nico asked urgently.

"No, I've never seen it before," she replied through sign language, Chiron translating her every word. "But I do know one thing. This poison is obviously affecting her badly. It's also spreading. Luckily, the bite isn't too close to the jugular vein, so the poison won't go directly to her heart, but if it spreads, it can get into her main bloodstream. It'll be even worse after that." Kayla looked at Percy with concern and distraught. "She'll die."

"No!" Percy yelled standing up. Kayla jumped, startled by Percy's sudden movement. "I can't lose her. It's not her time. Surely there's something we can do!"

"There is," Chiron spoke. Everyone turned to him. "I have seen something like this before, many decades ago. I was sure I would never have to worry about something like this again, but unfortunately, I am to be haunted by this once more."

"Well, is there a way to stop it??" Percy questioned.

"Yes," Chiron replied. I breathed a sigh of relief. "There is a antidote. But there is a small problem. Pan was the last to have posses the antidote, and unfortunately, he's no longer with us."

"No! No no no! We can do something, I know it!" Percy looked at Nico desperately. "Can't you conjure him like you did your sister??"

Nico stood, looking down deep in thought. "I'm sure I'd be able to do something, but it'll be very difficult. Pan is a god, which means he's not really dead. His soul isn't in the underworld." Nico's eye lit up. "I have an idea! But we need everyone who was there when he died to be with me when I conjured him."

"Are you sure? Conjuring a god would take a lot of power, wouldn't it?" I asked. Nico looked at me and gave me a small smile.

"That's why I'm also going to need Hazel," Nico said, "my sister."

"Can she conjure spirits like you?" I walked to Nico, very concerned. I cared for Annabeth, but I know what happens when you use too much power. You can drain yourself and pass away. It wouldn't be good.

"No, but she is a daughter of Pluto." Nico looked at Percy. "I can use her power as a, let's say, a boost. She just needs to transfer some of her power to me, but that'll be easy."

"That won't affect you badly, will it?" I asked.

Nico grabbed my hand and looked at me in the eye. "I'll be fine," he reassured. "Besides, someone needs to keep Percy in check. If anyone can do that, it's Annabeth."

Percy managed a smile and looked down at her. He crouched and kissed her gently on the lips. "You'll be okay, Wise Girl. I promise."

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