Beautiful Boy

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Leo's POV

I hid behind a tall tree, just behind the orphanage. I ducked down, sitting on my knees. I chuckled slightly. 

She's never gonna find me here. 

I tapped on the trunk of tree and looked past the tree, expecting her to come. Honestly, I wanted her to find me. I wanted see her run to me, her H/C blowing in the wind. Her bright smile directed at me when she knows she's won the game of hide and seek we were having. 

I pulled the small ring I made for her. I spent weeks trying to find out what her ring size was, along with getting the materials I needed to make it. It was a metal wire attached to a piece of a Coke can and a shard of glass in the center. I was really proud of it. 

"Boo!" someone yelled behind me, grabbing my shoulders roughly. 

I screamed and jumped, falling on my behind. I looked up and saw Y/N, a huge smile plastered on her face. 

"Haha! I win! You have to steal a brownie from the ladies now," she said smuggly. I laughed at looked at her E/C eyes. 

"Alright then, Clownfish." I got up and wiped dirt from my pants. "Let's go to the courtyard." 

I walked past her with a small smirk. "I told you not to call me clownfish," I heard Y/N mumble bitterly behind me. 

When we made it to the courtyard, there was a lot of kids playing around with the makeshift soccer ball I built for them. The others that weren't playing were sitting on the front steps of the orphanage talking and reading. 

"Come with me." I grabbed Y/N's hand and walked to the center of the courtyard. My left hand fiddled with the ring in my pocket. My right hand was intertwined with Y/N's, my index finger tapping rapidly on the back of hers. "I wanted to ask you something."

"Right here?" she asked, looking around at all the people that started staring at us. She was uncomfortable. "In front of everyone?"

"Mhm," I responded, getting down on one knee and pulling out the ring I made for her. "Will you marry me?"

At first, there was silence. Then, someone laughed. Another person laughed. Soon enough, everyone was laughing at me. People were pointing and whispering in the ear of the person behind them. I put my head down and looked at the ring I had made for Y/N. There was no way she was gonna say yes with everyone laughing at me like this. 

I looked up at her and saw that she was staring angrily at everyone around her, her jaw tightening. She looked down at me and stared directly into my eyes. 

"Yes," she announced. Everyone stopped, shocked. I felt my lips form into a grin. "I will marry you." 

With that, I put the ring on her left had and stood up, hugging her tightly. 


Percy sat down in front of me, leaning back and crossing his arms, his sea green eyes darker than usual when he stared me down. 

"Alright, Leo," Percy said. "What's going on?" 

"The truth is..." I said, looking down at my moving hands. "Y/N and I did meet when we were ten. We stayed together for two years before we left."

"Then why do you keep pretending not to know her?" Percy asked angrily leaning forward and putting his hands on his knees. "You know how much you're hurting her right now? I just found out she's my sister and instead of being able to be happy about it, I have to worry because you keep breaking her heart!" 

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