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Your POV 

After the game, Percy led you to the Poseidon cabin. He was so exicted, going on and on about how excited he was to have a little sister. Honestly, you would've been excited too. You should be jumping up and down. 

Percy Jackson is my brother, woo hoo! you thought. 

But you weren't. 

You were distracted with the thoughts that ran through your mind. When you had left the lake in the forest, Leo was walking with a girl with choppy hair. He was pretty upset when they spoke. She reassured him, placing her hand on his shoulder and whispering something in his ear. He haad simply nodded his head and walked away. 

"And here is the party house," Percy announced, standing in front of Cabin 3. The cabin was a little bit bigger than the others, but smaller than Zues's and Hera's. It was long and solid, with rough walls. All the windowss visible were facing the sea. "Come in, come in!" 

You walked passed Percy when he opened the door and looked inside. The cabin seemed a little messy. Clothes were thrown all around the floor, along with a few weapons and a sheild. Only one bunk seemed like it had been occupied. There was a fountain near the back, along with a screen door that revealed at deck. The deck stretched out into the beach. You breathed in the nice scent of salt water. 

"Pick which bunk you want," Percy said, jumping onto his own and laying back, placing his hands behind his head. 

You decided to just pick the bunk across from him. The sheets seemed untouched and clean. You layed in it and instantly felt better. It was so comfortable. Way better than the bed back at the orphanage.

The orphanage. 

Leo appeared back into your mind. It was like you could see that pained face in front of you. You sighed and sat up, rubbing your head. Percy looked at you from his bed and his brows furrowed together. 

"It's Leo, isn't it?" he whispered. "What happened? What were you talking about?"

You decided to tell Percy about your past with Leo and how you used to live in an orphanage in New Jersey. You also mentioned the fact that you had been living on the streets for five years before coming to Camp Half Blood. Percy just nodded his head and listened, not once interrupting. 

"And now, I just don't know what to do," you finished. You could feel tears already forming in your E/C eyes. You wiped one away before it could run down your cheek. "Do you know why he might be ignoring me?"

"No," Percy responded bitterly. "But I'll talk to him for you, how about that?"

You gave Percy a weak smile. But then, you began to cry. You had tried to hold in your tears, but now you gave in. You sobbed into your hands, a few tears escaping from between your fingers. You could hear Percy stand up from his bunk and walk over to you. He sat beside you and hugged you, stroking your hair gently. You wrapped your arms around him and sobbed into his shoulder, grateful that he was here with you. 

"Shh... it's going to be okay," Percy whispered, rubbing your back gently. Then, Percy face got very hard, his voice giving off a serious tone. "I'll make sure of it." 

--- (Percy's Pov) --- 

I paced quickly to the Hephastus cabin, my blood boiling. A lot of people walked passed me, giving me a small smile or a little wave, but I ignored them. No one was going to hurt my sister and get away with it. I passed the Athena cabin, where Annabeth was peacefully reading on the steps. She looked at me.

"Um, Percy?" she shouted, when I passed her. I stopped. I had to. It was Annabeth. I turned around and saw her get up from where she was. She walked to me, her eyebrow raised. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to talk to Leo Valdez, that's what I'm doing," I responded, turning back around and continuing my walk to Cabin 9. Annabeth had to jog a bit to catch up to me. 

"Wait, why? Is it because of the fight Y/N had with him?" Annabeth asked. 

"Yes," I replied sternly. 

I stopped in front of the Cabin 9 door and pounded on it loudly. Annabeth flinched, taking a step back. When no one answered, I pounded onto the door louder.

"Perce, maybe you should come back later when you're a little calmer," Annabeth said, gently grabbing my hand. There was a concern tied with what she was saying. 

"I can't." I looked at Annabeth. "She's my sister." 

The door opened swiftly, revealing a tall girl. She had dark hair pulled up into a ponytail. Her hazel eyes moved between me and Annabeth. 

"Can I help you?" she asked, leaning against the doorway. 

"Where's Leo?" I asked, peering over her shoulder. There was a few kids inside. They were gathered by a unfinished bookshelf. 

"Oh, he's not here," the girl responded. "I think he's hanging out in Bunker 9. Want me to take you?" 


The girl shut the door behind her and walked down the steps, motioning for me to follow her. I looked at Annabeth and gently removed her hand, tapping the back of it. She gave me a worried look, like I was about to make a big mistake. 

"Percy," Annabeth muttered, as I walked off with the Hephastus girl. 

"What's your name?" I asked. 

"Alisha," she responded. "Isn't that new kid your little sister?" 

"Yeah, Y/N," I said. "Leo got her pretty upset earlier. I'm sure you saw, right?"

"Oh yeah, I saw that alright." Alisha tightened her ponytail and heaved a sigh. "The poor girl seemed really angry. Leo looked really scared."

"And guilty," I added. I think back on the fight between Leo and Y/N, and remember the pained and guilty look on Leo's face. He seemed like a little kid that got caught sticking his fingers in a cookie jar. 

Alisha stopped in front of a limestone cliff.

"Uh, are we supposed to go over it?" I asked, confused. 

"No just wait," Alisha said. She pounded on the cliff and waiting, crossing her arms and tapping her finger impatiently on her bicep (which was pretty big, might I add). 

Then, all of a sudden, the limestone wall caught on fire, revealing a freakishly large door. Alisha opened the door and walked inside, completely unfazed. 

"Ok then," I mumbled silently, and walked behind her. 

The actual bunker seemed huge. There was work benches, tool boxes, blue prints, and machine parts all over the floor. It was messier than my cabin, and that's saying a lot, because my cabin is pretty messy. Alisha walked over a tipped over trash and stopped in front of the man himself. 

"Hey, Valdez, someone wants to talk to you," Alisha said, kicking his foot. Leo was kneeled under a work table, adding a few random buttons to the bottom. 

"Who is it? I'm a little bit busy right now," Leo said, screwing a blue button onto a metal piece. 

"It's Percy," Alisha replied. 

Leo froze. "P-Percy?" he stuttered. 

He tried getting up, but bumped his head on the work table. When he crawled out, he grabbed rubbed his head. 

"I'll leave you two be then," Alisha said, walking away. 

"W-Wait! Alisha, don't leave me!" Leo yelled, his voice shaky. "Oh..."

The door slammed and Leo looked up at me, a nervous smile on his face. 

"H-Hi Percy," Leo stammered. "It's pretty cool that Y/N's your sister, huh?"

I crossed my arms. "You have some explaining to do, Valdez, before I take to the cannoe lake. And we wouldn't be cannoeing." 

Leo's smile faltered and he looked down. "Alright." 

With that, he pulled out two chairs and sat down. 

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