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Your POV

When you and Leo made it to the Mess Hall, you waved and he headed to the Hephaestus table, sliding beside a muscular, tall girl.

Before you went to the Poseidon table, you remembered that you were going to meet Beau at your cabin. You turned around and walked to Cabin 3.


You decided to slip into your cabin from the backdoor so it wouldn't seem like you forgot about meeting up with him. When you passed the screen door, you noticed Percy changing into a blue tee shirt.

"Hey, Perce," you greeted.

"Oh, hey." He pulled his shirt down and turned to look at you. "Where have you been all day? I was looking for you earlier so we could train, but I couldn't find you anywhere."

"I spent the day with Leo in Bunker 9," you replied, grabbing a black sweatshirt from the drawer under your bed. You slipped it over your head.

"What did you guys do?" Percy asked suspiciously, leaning against your bunk. His brow was raised.

You stopped just as you were about to slip off your shoes. You remembered how close you and Leo were earlier, the feel of his breath on your cheek. It was like you could still feel his warm hands burning into the skin on your waist when he held you.

You quickly shook your head and chuckled nervously, taking off your shoes. "We just took some time to catch up, that's all. It's been five years since I've seen him after all."

"Hmm." Percy kneeled in front of you and slipped on your warm boots for you, tapping your knee before getting up. He grabbed your hand and pulled you up. "I don't want you being alone with Leo."

"What?" You looked up at Percy, confused. "Why?"

Percy heaves a sigh and puts his hands on your shoulders, hunching down to go to your eye level. "Leo Valdez is a huge flirt. He's made some stupid mistakes before, and I don't want you to be hurt by him. Physically and/or emotionally."

"Weren't you the one to encourage him to talk to me again?" you asked. You felt your cheeks burn, anger building up in your chest.

"Well, yeah, but I didn't think you would end up spending days with him alone," he said, straightening up and crossing his arms. "I'm just trying to look out for you."

"I don't need you to look out for me, Percy," you declared. "I've been looking out for myself for a long time."

"Yeah, but this is different," Percy stated.

"How is it different?" you questioned, crossing your arms, raising your brow.

"Have you ever been in a relationship before?" Percy asked. You feel the heat on your cheeks increase. You look down and bite your lip, a little embarrassed. "See. This is a whole new playing field."

"Percy, I've known Leo for a long time," you muttered, looking up at him. "Leo would never hurt me."

You push past Percy and leave the cabin, leaving him shocked and worried.

You were so annoyed and so frustrated that you almost missed a certain boy leaning against the wall beside the door.

"Oh!" you exclaimed, startled. "You scared me."

"Sorry, Y/N," Beau said, standing up straight. You smiled a little, nervous. The way his musical voice spoke your name made your knees tremble a little. "Did you forget that I was supposed to meet you here?"

"Yes. I mean, no, I didn't forget, I just-" you stammered," I just had a fight with Percy and then I got mad. I didn't see you because I'm just SO annoyed and, honestly very frustrated with myself. Plus, there is that thing with Leo that's just making me super confused--"

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