The Truth of Beautiful Beau

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Jordan's POV (aka me :)

"I need her here now," he yelled. His icy blue eyes seemed darker, evil. "Where is she??"

"I'm sorry, I don't know," I replied. My legs shook, my bottom lip quivered. But I wasn't going to allow myself to get pushed around. "I suggest you tone it down a bit. I don't care who you are, but no one is gonna talk to me that way."

Before I could do or say anything, I was in his grasp, his hand holding onto my hoodie tightly. I could feel my feet get lifted from the ground as I met his eye level.

"You will get her for me, understand?" he said sternly.

I kicked him and he dropped me, falling back. I scrambled up. I had to wake up Nico so he and I could leave. I had to get away from this guy. Something was wrong.

Then, the scariest thing happened. He turned his head and looked up at me. The icy blue eyes I remembered being stabbed through me earlier were now a bright, bloody red. His teeth were sharp, his finger nails turned to claws, and his ears began to come to a point. The beautiful boy I had seen earlier became a scary beast.

He pounced on me, making me fall roughly onto my back. I started to scream, but before it could come out, he clamped a hand onto my mouth.

"Get her," he said.

I blinked, and everything changed. I was back in my seat beside a peaceful, sleeping Nico and the boy was sitting in his bunk, reading a book.

I looked at him, confused and afraid. He looked up at me.

"Can you get her for me please?" he asked kindly, flashing a smile. "The one who saved me from the lake?"

I nodded my head and got up, staring at him the entire time I walked. Just before I left the infirmary, I saw a flash of red sparkle in his eyes.


I woke up, sitting straight up in my sleeping bag. My entire body was sweaty and my hands were shaking. The dream of that horrid memory replayed in my mind.

I got up and went to the bathroom here in the Hermes cabin, closing the door gently behind me. I turned on the sink and wet my face, trying to calm myself down. When I was done, I looked at myself in the mirror.

Why was this happening? And why couldn't I tell Y/N about it? Every time I would try to get the words out, it was like they would get stuck in my throat. He did something. He must've. It would explain my lack of ability to speak about my dream. My memory.

I turned toward the window of the bathroom. I can't stay here. I have to leave. I need to breathe.

As silently as I could, I slipped out of the Hermes cabin through the bathroom window. When I dropped to the ground, I looked up at the starry sky, looking out for any harpies. I quickly ran to the forest, careful.

Once I made it, I walked slowly through the trees. Although it was very late at night, and the forest looked darker and denser because of the night, I enjoyed the walk.

The smell of wood and grass filled my nose, and my worry and fear was slowly disappearing. I stopped in front of a small lake. It was the same one Y/N was in when she was claimed. I sat beside the lake and slipped my feet into the water. I winced, because it was a little cold, but I knew I could manage it.

As I let my thoughts run through my mind, I thought about the scene I had seen earlier. The way Beau tried leading Y/N into the forest. She seemed so enchanted by his beautiful face that she was completely oblivious to the fact that we was taking her into the forest. It was even scarier when she couldn't register what was going on in her mind when I asked her what they were doing. Beau was so angry. I saw it. The way he glared at me.

I wanted to call for help right there, but I couldn't. The words were stuck in my throat, just like before.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I saw a shadow zoom in front of me. I got up quickly, alert. I stared into the dense trees, to find the shadow.

"Who's there?" I asked.

Just then, a skinny figure emerged from the shadows. My new friend, Nico.

I sighed, relieved it was just him. "You scared me, Death Boy."

"I already told you not to call me that," he responded bitterly.

"Well good thing I'm not one to listen very much," I said, sitting my back down and putting my feet back into the lake water.

"Why are you here so late?" Nico asked, sitting beside me, crossing his legs.

"I had a nightmare," I replied, looking down at my hands in my lap.

"About what?" Nico looked at me curiously, almost as if he was trying to read my expression.

"About that thing I told you about earlier, during dinner." I looked at him. He sighed and looked away, turning towards the water. "Why don't you believe me?"

"Because its ridiculous," Nico said. He turned back to me. "Something like that doesn't even exist. It doesn't make any sense!"

"Nothing makes sense anymore, Nico!" I yelled at him, getting on my feet. "Not this camp, not you, not Beau. Before all this, I was just some guy who read books in the corner of a stupid math class. Now, I'm supposed to be a demigod, the son of some powerful being!"

Nico got up, his eyes furrowed. "You're just confused, Jordan."

"No!" I shouted at him, tears starting to fall my eyes. I looked down, wiping my cheeks. "I just want things to go back to normal."

There was nothing except the sound of my helpless whimpers. Then, Nico grabbed my arms and hugged me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

From I've heard about Nico, he isn't the touchy type. He's not good with people and only drops by camp from time to time. A lot of people are afraid of him.

But at this very moment, I felt safe. I felt warm.

I also felt my heart flutter. When I felt that, I quickly pushed him away and ran off. Nico isn't the romantic type. I wasn't going to allow myself to get attached to someone who didn't have the ability to love me back.

I'm just going to have to deal with this alone.

I will find a way to get the truth to Y/N, no matter how hard it takes.

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